Prayer For Preaching

Help me to offer a testimony for thyself,
and to leave sinners inexcusable in neglecting thy mercy.
Give me freedom to open the sorrows of thy people,
and set before them comforting considerations.
Attend with power the truth preached.
and awaken the attention of my slothful audience.
May thy people be refreshed, melted, convicted, comforted,
and help me to use the strongest arguments
drawn from Christ's incarnation and sufferings,
that men might be made holy.

My Master God,
I am desired to preach today,
but go weak and needy to my task;
Yet I long that people might be edified with divine truth,
that an honest testimony might be borne for thee;
Give me assistance in preaching and prayer,
with heart uplifted for grace and unction.
Present to my view things pertaining to my subject,
with fullness of matter and clarity of thought,
proper expressions, fluency, fervency,
a feeling sense of the things I preach,
and grace to apply them to men's consciences.
Keep me conscious all the while of my defects,
and let me not gloat in pride over my performance. Amen

Make the words that I speak as significant as the Spirit from which they come. Help me not to get too caught up in theological jargon. Guide my choice of words so they are profound enough to convey meaning, yet simple enough to relate it to all Your people.
Make the truths that I proclaim convicting to the hard hearts of the people in this world. Deliver Your truth through me so that it may judge the thoughts and attitudes of all who hear. May this sermon prick the hearts of those who need to turn to You. Temper the judgment of Your Word with the consolation that can only come from Your Comforter.
Make the delivery of this sermon equal to the message it proclaims. As the vehicle through which You will declare Your thoughts, give me genuine passion from deep within my spirit. Direct my mannerisms so that they lend themselves to communication. Help me not to get in the way of Your message. Amen

Heavenly Father,
You provide all that I need to perform the task of preaching. To You only can this prayer be lifted up. As I prepare to climb behind the pulpit again this Sunday, please guide me through this sermon.
Help me to prepare adequately for the proclamation of the Word of the Most High God. Your Word has been interpreted for me through the commentaries of many Godly scholars. They have helped me to understand it better and apply it to daily life. Yet, Lord, I ask that you let my mind be most of all guided by the discernment that comes from Your Spirit.
Make this sermon relevant to those who will gather on Your day. Give direction to the illustrations as they make their way to the hearts of the listeners. Let the truths I speak be memorable, not because of the wrappings in which they are presented but because of their substance. May this sermon be true to Your Word. Amen

Thank You Lord for them!

We lift them up in prayer right now reminding You that they left their homes, families, and their natural surroundings in order to take Your Word around the world!

They took Your Gospel to those who have not heard it for Your glory and honour!

We lift them all up to You and call them empowered to prosper wherever they are ministering in Jesus Name! Amen

Lord, continue to guide them and open doors to preach the Gospel.

Please give them all boldness to uncompromisingly preach Your Word!

Strengthen each one so that they can run the race You have called them to!

We declare that they reach all those they need to with the Good News!

In Jesus Name we plead the blood of Jesus over them and call them protected. Yes, surround them with Your angels wherever the sole of their foot may tread!

May the light of the Gospel bring light to a dark world! We declare deliverance and victory to those whose hearts receive the Lord Jesus Christ! Amen

Lord, when we are honest, we admit that at times due to circumstances we have all struggled with our faith. Please help Your preachers to endure, to grow in their faith, and to share that enduring faith with as many as possible. May all of us who preach Your Word have the faith we need to encourage those who hear us on Sunday.

In the Name of the Author & Finisher of our Faith, we pray, Amen.

Dear Father in Heaven,

We are thankful for the faith of the men who will preach Your Word on Sunday. We give you thanks for those who instilled faith in their hearts and minds. We thank You that this faith leads them to trust You and Your Truth. We give you thanks the faith of Your men during days of doubt and uncertainty.

What a wonderful blessing these men are to people who are struggling with their faith. How wonderful that those who are struggling can point to the Gospel proclaimed by these preachers and say, that's the kind of faith we need during the difficult times! We give You thanks, dear God, that this ancient faith which has stood the test of time, is deep in the heart of Your men. Amen