Prayer For Perseverance At Work

Dear Lord, I know how important it is that we are strong in the Lord and in the strength of Your power and to know that we are not fighting against a physical enemy but an evil and powerful spiritual enemy, whose chief desire is to shipwreck the witness of those that are united with Christ and render them powerless against the wicked schemes and strategies of the devil. Give us a greater understanding and awareness of the enemy's tactics and help us to realise the importance of covering ourselves completely in our spiritual armour, so that we are spiritually prepared and spiritually equipped to stand firm against their evil plots and ploys.

May all who seek to live godly in Christ Jesus, stand fast on God's Word of truth and put on the breastplate of Christ's righteousness. May we walk in His ways of peace, in spirit and in truth, and help us to protect ourselves by grace through faith, as we resolutely stand firm on the many facts of God's Word. May our thoughts and minds be protected from the deceptive lies and wicked deceit of the enemy, as we cover our heads with the helmet of Christ's Salvation, by grace through faith. And may we wield the sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God with wisdom and understanding, as we stand firmly grounded on the Rock of our salvation.

Keep us humble before You Father, and may we persevere in continuous, earnest and pleading prayer, knowing that in Christ the enemy is already defeated and in Him, we are called to remain steadfast in the faith, by the power of the Spirit and to the glory of God. In Jesus' name we pray,


Lord, we thank You that You are our God and Father, and You alone are worthy of all our honour and praise, because You have picked us up out of the miry clay and set our feet upon the Rock of our Salvation, Who is Jesus Christ our Lord. Thank You, that You have the words of eternal life and thank You for Your precious promise that nothing in heaven or on earth is able to separate us from Your love in Christ Jesus our Lord. You alone are worthy of our allegiance and love and we praise You, that we may rest securely in You arms, knowing that You have the Word of eternal life.

Lord, as we navigate through this world of sin, thank You that You have promised to be with us, no matter what difficulties and dangers may cross our paths. Keep us we pray, from all perils, problems and persecutions that we may encounter and may we remain firm to the end and enabled to persevere in the midst of all our trials. Thank You, that there is no situation in life that is outside of Your jurisdiction and that You have every circumstance covered by Your sufficient grace. Lord, as we steer our path through this sin-sick world, may we keep our confidence in You and place every need into Your hands, knowing that greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world. We ask this in the name of Jesus,


Father, I bless and thank You for a brand new day and for the fresh opportunities and challenges that this day will bring. Thank You, that Your mercies are new every morning and I pray that I will walk worthy of You today and be a faithful witness in thought, word and deed, demonstrating a Christ-like attitude to all with whom I come in contact.

Keep me ever-focussed on You Lord, and keep my heart steadfastly trusting You for all my needs and necessities. Help me not to function in my own strength, but in the power of the Holy Spirit. May I stand firm in the truth of the gospel of grace, and remain steadfastly looking to Jesus, trusting in Him to supply His sufficient strength for all occasions. Teach me all that You would have me to learn today and give me the courage and strength to press on toward the goal for the upward call in Christ Jesus. In Jesus' name I pray,


Help me Lord, to come to a greater understanding of the reason for the inevitable trials and tribulations that pepper down on the lives of all people, but especially those that are Your children, who find it hard to understand why their Father in heaven seems to have turned a deaf ear to their repeated pleas for help. And yet Father, as I reflect on all that the Lord Jesus did for me and how You reached down when I was dead in trespasses and sins and lifted me out of the miry clay and clothed me in Christ's righteousness, I see Your gracious patience towards me and it causes me to wonder in amazement that You should take such time and effort with a person such as me, who is not worthy to unloose Your shoelaces.

Lord, I pray that You would direct my heart to see more and more of Your love towards me and of Christ's gracious perseverance, as He lived a perfect life, in order that He could be made the sinless sacrifice, to pay the price for my sins. Thank You that despite the times when I have not listened to the gentle promptings of the Holy Spirit in my life, and have taken a dead end road of my own choosing and failed over and again to learn the lessons that you would teach me, that You have always been there to pick me up. Thank You for Your gracious patience towards me when I have doubted Your Word or grumbled about my lot in life and thank You Father, for remaining faithful towards me when I have proved faithless toward You, and must have quenched or grieved the work of the Holy Spirit in my life.

Father, it is as I reflect on Your gracious patience towards me for so long that I begin to understand more and more the reason for those inevitable trials and tribulations that pepper down on the lives of Your children. It is so that we may grow in grace and in a knowledge of You. Help me Lord to see You in the difficulties of life and seek to persevere through every trial, so that I may grasp all that You would have me learn. In Jesus' name I pray,


Loving Lord, I thank You for the many witnesses of the faith who have demonstrated that Your power and might is sufficient for all the dangers and disappointments, suffering and pain that we may encounter on our spiritual progress through life. Thank You for the lessons You have taught us through the unparalleled witness of Your servant Job, the severe and sustained trials and tribulations that he endured and the glorious outcome at the end of his journey, when he was able to cry out in humility of heart, I have heard of You with my ears but now I have seen You with my eyes with my spiritual eyes of understanding.

Father, I know that there is much about my journey through life that I do not understand, but Lord I trust You, for You have scheduled every day of my life and there are no dangers or disappointments, suffering or pain of which You are unaware, and which You will not use for Your greater glory and my eternal good. I pray that even though I do not understand the reason for so many of the difficulties that I have to endure, that You will provide me with the sufficient grace I need to persevere to the end. Lord, I believe that my times are in Your hands and I trust You to bring me through to a final and triumphant conclusion.

Strengthen and uphold me in the power of Your Spirit, and sustain and comfort me I pray, so that in all things I may patiently endure to the end to Your praise and glory. I humbly ask this in the name of Jesus,


Lord, may what we begin today in effort and cooperation, be done with
Your inspiration continued with Your help and be completed
with Your guidance. Heavenly Father, guide us in our efforts help us
to persevere with faith, courage and sincerity. Amen.

Father, You restore and strengthen us after we experience sufferings. You build us back up after our hardships. Though we go through difficulties and feel defeated many times, we are assured of Your loving care. By Your grace, we can overcome, so long as we persevere. Help me to keep these all firmly in my mind as I go about my daily work. Keep me strong and persistent as I handle my responsibilities and obligations. Energize me when I am tired. May I be unwavering in my resolve to pursue my goals in life. Amen.

God of my salvation, You are my Savior and Deliverer. You rescue me when I am in distress. You are my hope in the middle of failure. I humbly come to You, surrendering my fears, my doubts, and my worries. Correct me when my faith falters, and comfort me again with Your truth. Grant me the courage to rise again after I have failed. Let Your promises give me the confidence I need to continue forward and pursue my life's purpose. Amen.