Prayer For Perseverence
Father, we praise and thank You for the great example of men and women of faith, who down through the ages have become such beautiful examples of those who in Your grace, were able to stand fast in the evil times, in which they lived. And we also want to lift up all those today, who like them are seeking to live godly in Christ Jesus and who like them, are facing times of increasing difficulty.
Thank You for the example of these faithful folk who remained steadfast in their faith and patiently endured many difficulties, despite the overwhelming trials they were called to face. Help us like them, to stand firm in the wicked times in which we live and may all those who seek to live godly in Christ Jesus remain steadfast in the faith and persevere as faithful soldiers of Christ, as together we run the race that is set before us in Your power and strength. In Jesus' name,
Loving Lord, I thank You for the many witnesses of the faith who have demonstrated that Your power and might is sufficient for all the dangers and disappointments, suffering and pain that we may encounter on our spiritual progress through life. Thank You for the lessons You have taught us through the unparalleled witness of Your servant Job, the severe and sustained trials and tribulations that he endured and the glorious outcome at the end of his journey, when he was able to cry out in humility of heart, I have heard of You with my ears but now I have seen You with my eyes with my spiritual eyes of understanding.
Father, I know that there is much about my journey through life that I do not understand, but Lord I trust You, for You have scheduled every day of my life and there are no dangers or disappointments, suffering or pain of which You are unaware, and which You will not use for Your greater glory and my eternal good. I pray that even though I do not understand the reason for so many of the difficulties that I have to endure, that You will provide me with the sufficient grace I need to persevere to the end. Lord, I believe that my times are in Your hands and I trust You to bring me through to a final and triumphant conclusion.
Strengthen and uphold me in the power of Your Spirit, and sustain and comfort me I pray, so that in all things I may patiently endure to the end to Your praise and glory. I humbly ask this in the name of Jesus,
Thank You Father, that Your grace is sufficient for all Your children, including those that are facing severe persecutions and dangers in so many parts of this war-torn world. But Lord, they are all our brothers and sisters in Christ and we are all one in Him, and the pain that individual believers are suffering becomes a corporate distress for the Body of Christ. And so Lord, we lift up all those that are having to contend with so many dangers and difficulties in foreign parts of the world.
Comfort and strengthen each precious person who is suffering for righteousness sake. Draw very close to each and every one so that in Your strength they may persevere in these troublesome times, and in so doing bring glory to Yourself and serve as a faithful witness to those that are lost in their sins, of Your grace and goodness. Support all those who are grieving for righteousness sake we pray, perhaps due to the loss of a loved one or severe deprivation. Comfort and succour each hurting heart and keep each one firm in the faith they have in Christ Jesus our Lord. Thank You, Lord, that there is not one of Your children who is lost to Your eyes of pity, and we lift each and every one up to You. In Jesus' name,
Father, I bless and thank You for a brand new day and for the fresh opportunities and challenges that this day will bring. Thank You, that Your mercies are new every morning and I pray that I will walk worthy of You today and be a faithful witness in thought, word and deed, demonstrating a Christ-like attitude to all with whom I come in contact.
Keep me ever-focussed on You Lord, and keep my heart steadfastly trusting You for all my needs and necessities. Help me not to function in my own strength, but in the power of the Holy Spirit. May I stand firm in the truth of the gospel of grace, and remain steadfastly looking to Jesus, trusting in Him to supply His sufficient strength for all occasions. Teach me all that You would have me to learn today and give me the courage and strength to press on toward the goal for the upward call in Christ Jesus. In Jesus' name I pray,
Faithful Father, You always remember our labors, our struggles, our hardships and our sufferings in our efforts to stand firm in living for Your glory. You see how we strive to be more like You. Help us to focus on this truth and give us the courage to press on with the full assurance of the hope we have in You, knowing that through faith and patience we will eventually fully realize and experience Your promises. Amen.
Lord, You are the very source of our faith and the One who brings it to ultimate perfection. You made this possible by suffering an unjust death and allowing Yourself to be shamed on the cross. You left the comfort of heaven so that You could be the very example of suffering and perseverance for us. As we face life's challenges and adversities, help us to learn from You and focus on what You did for us. Teach us to run life's appointed course for us with patient endurance. Amen.
Heavenly Father, You guide the path of those who delight in You. At times, troubles confuse my mind and problems mislead and disconcert my heart. I humbly beg for Your clear direction. Let Your words give me understanding. Lead me to the way of righteousness, that I may know Your will and direction for my life. Strengthen me to persevere on the right course, knowing that though I will stumble and fall, You will always be there to help me get back up. Amen.
Dear God, Our hope is anchored in You, for You alone are worthy of such trust and dependence. Your power is beyond measure and Your wisdom is beyond comprehension. Your plans for us are perfect and Your work in our lives is marvelous. This is our cause for rejoicing, for You are our God and You care for us with an everlasting love. With You on our side, we can persevere and face life's difficult challenges with confidence, fully knowing that in constant prayer we find joy as we hope in You. Amen.