Prayer For Person In Coma

Dear Lord,

I come to you asking for this lady from Germany to awaken from her sleep. Guide the doctors in the direction of your will. Please provide the right support and comfort as only you can Dear Lord to the family and friends of this lady. I have faith in you, our Supreme Physician to heal and cure if it is your will .......Amen!

Lord please be with WashedClean's husband's cousin as she's in Germany and guide and help her to lean on you for comfort and support as she does that and that you put your arms around her in your name, amen.

Please help here, we pray for healing and recovery for this person, and peace for the family as they await news of your healing power!

May the Lord protect your husband?s cousin as she ?sleeps?; may she have healing and recover; may her doctors be guided as they seek answers to assist her; may her husband and all who lend their support have strength and be comforted.

Soul of Christ, Sanctify Kristina,
Body of Christ, Save Kristina
Blood of Christ, inebriate Kristina,
Passion of Christ, strengthen Kristina,
water from the side of Christ wash her,
O Good Jesus hear her,
Within your wounds hide her,
Let Kristina never be separated from you,
From the evil one protect her,
At the hour of my death call Kristina and bid her to come to you,
That with all your saints, she may praise you, forever and ever,

Holy God, we pray for N. who in coma. Guard him/her from all fear and bring him/her in safety to this day's end, whether it be with his/her family on earth, or in heaven. Grant peace and comfort to his/her human family as they face the unknown in the days ahead. Amen.

Dear heavenly Father,

I thank You for everything that You have done in my life and continue to do. Thank You for waking me up today, for I know it was by Your grace. I come before You and repent of my sins. I repent for the sins I have committed knowingly and unknowingly. I pray that You will cleanse me with Your blood and forgive me. Today, I bring before you (state the persons name). Lord, I know that is Your desire for good things to happen in our lives (Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end). I pray Lord, that You will heal (state the persons name) in the name of Jesus. For in Your word it states that by Your stripes we are healed (Isaiah 53:5). I pray today that Your healing power will manifest in (state the persons name) and that they will testify of your goodness in the land of the living. I pray for (state the persons name)'s salvation, that they will acknowledge You as their Lord and saviour. I pray that You will deliver them from the hand of the enemy and may Your angels protect them from all evil. I speak Your favour over (state the persons name)'s life. I also pray that Your perfect will be done in (state the persons name)'s life and may it be all for Your glory. In Jesus name we pray, AMEN

My Lord and Savior Jesus Christ i come before you to pray for RedSquirrel as she has a very young someone who is dear to her who is in a coma.Jesus i pray that You lay hands on him and that You touch him from head to toe through your stripes he is healed in your name Jesus.Their is only power and healing in your Name Lord.Jesus i pray that you keep your hands over him...that You wake him up out of that coma because anything and everything is possible with you Jesus Christ.

In Your Name Jesus Christ i Pray AMEN!