Prayer For Perspective

Father God, please help me to see what I need to see in this difficult season.

Help me, Lord, to learn what I need to learn and please grant me the grace to apply these lessons in my current station in life.

Enable me, God, to manage my thoughts and emotions that I may have the proper perspective and response to my present challenges.

Though my burdens are heavy, please direct my steps towards your best plans for me in this season.

In Jesus' mighty name I pray. Amen.

God, I'm so grateful that with You, no experience even your discipline is ever wasted. When You choose in your sovereignty to allow me to linger in uncomfortable spiritual seasons, may I turn to You to find relief for life's burdens and perspective in my pain. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.

Father, open my eyes today. May I see the world from Your perspective, not mine. Amen.

The Lord opened the young man's eyes, and when he looked up, he saw that the hillside around Elisha was filled with horses and chariots of fire

Thank you for understanding me and loving me, just as I am. And thank you for accepting me even when I was a hopeless casejust as we all were at one time. Perfect people in a perfect world would have no need of your gift of hope. With my eyes on you, I want to see life as you see it. I don't want to waste time being negative or withdrawn from others, focusing only on what can't be or what might never change. Teach me how to find contentment even if my circumstances remain the same. With your perspective, I can push past the impossible and find the strength and courage to believe that no matter what happens, your hope will lift me to a higher planewhere joy and purpose reign again.

In Your precious name that is above all names and all this mess, Amen.

Give me a new perspective, Lord, and blow away the cobwebs that keep cluttering my mind and my vision. Every time I'm tempted to become discouraged or depressed because of negative events or situations, help me turn my eyes on you. Help me to remember all the times you've been there for me, and all the ways you have brought me through difficult times. I forget to thank you sometimes, but I am so grateful for your faithfulness.

Forgive us for doubting your purpose, and for confusing mistakes to be disqualifications. When we skip time with You, remind us to be refueled and rejuvenated by Your Word. We need the sustenance of Your truth to operate properly in Your will. Help stretch our time and rearrange our daily agendas to put You above all.

Bless our lives to reflect Your love, and help us to develop patience and perseverance to navigate our mistakes with grace. We want Your will and Your plan for our lives. Bless us with Your perspective.

In Jesus' Name,


We praise You for the perspective that Your Word provides. We get caught up in our mistakes and failures so easily, giving them a foothold in the mountain of doubt that threatens to take us out and discourage us. But You don't look at our mistakes like we do. You never give up on us, teach us how to repent and live out consequences, and keep moving us forward and into the purpose You have specifically laid out for our lives.

Thank You for the sacrifice Jesus made for us on the cross, making Your Word accessible daily, to encourage and teach us. The Holy Spirit guides us and reminds us. You promise never to leave us, and to protect us with Your army of angels. AMEN

Lord, give us a heavenly perspective on this life. Help us not to be distracted by the things of this world but to constantly turn our gaze toward you. Help us to have perspective and to see with clear eyes both the hardships and blessings of our lives. Lord, as we are tempted to despair over hardships, remind us that you never let us go through trouble without gifting us a measure of your goodness, grace, peace and love. As we reflect on our blessings, help us bless others. Lord, give us all right perspective on the life we have, a gift from you.

In Jesus' Name, Amen.