Prayer For Person Going To Court

Lord God, I thank you for this moment of quiet, for this opportunity to put myself in your
presence. Lord it is good to meditate on the reality of your loving presence. I praise you and
I glorify you. Thank you Lord, for helping me to be still and know that you are a merciful
God. Thank you for the Grace of being comfortable with the anger that I feel toward the
person who has wronged me. Thank you for having taken away the guilt and fear I used to
feel whenever I felt angry.
You know, Jesus, that I have exhausted every reasonable effort to make peace with the
person who has wronged me. You know that these efforts have been in vain because (of
his/her refusal to right the wrong, or because he/she is no longer alive, or because I waited so
long before resolving my anger). I believe that you desire my happiness and wholeness
more than I could ever desire for myself. Amen

For the Lord God will help Me; Therefore I will not be disgraced; Therefore I have set My face like a flint, And I know that I will not be ashamed

Romans 9:33 Behold, I lay in Zion a stumbling stone and rock of offense, And whoever believes on Him will not be put to shame.

Jeremiah 20:11 But the Lord is with me as a mighty, awesome One. Therefore my persecutors will stumble, and will not prevail. They will be greatly ashamed, for they will not prosper. Their everlasting confusion will never be forgotten

Father, as I stand before the judge and jury today in the court matter, let no deceit befall me. Allow me to speak the truth, not only in this case but also in the ones ahead, for the truth will set me free.

Allow all the evidence at hand to work in my favor, to emerge victorious, and let no weapon, formed against me by the opposing side, prosper.
Psalm 84:11 For the Lord God is a sun and shield; the Lord bestows favor and honor. No good thing does he withhold from those who walk uprightly.

Remove all fear
I cast out any fear and anxiety in my heart that would hinder my victory. Let no false witness that rise up against me prosper.

I will cling to You, Oh Heavenly Father, for You are my strength in the midst of these legal battles. Help me to be calm and to think clearly. Ease my mind of the noise within. Quiet my soul so that I can hear and follow Your instruction.

Loving heavenly Father, thank You that You are a God of justice and the Lord of righteousness and that You are also the source of all truth and the well-spring of all wisdom. We lift up today all those that are involved in court cases, whether it is the one who is being accused or those that are involved in the execution of fairness and justice.

We pray that You would lead and guide all those that are involved in the corridors of justice and provide them with the integrity to officiate without bias and bigotry.. and the wisdom and grace to discern the truth and to act upon it, without fear or favor.

We pray for those that are having to appear in the witness stand and ask that You would bring to their mind the unembellished truth and that their testimony is not tainted from their own developed prejudices.

We do lift up those that are in the position of being brought to court to defend their own innocence or to confess their actual guilt, and we pray that all judicial proceedings would be carried out with a fair hearing and an impartial verdict. This we ask in Jesus name,


Thank You that Jesus is my heavenly Advocate and I trust that inthis this matterwe will soon be fully exoneratedand totallyvindicated,and that there will be no slur on anyone's character or intentions.

Still our hearts and quiet our minds we pray as we prepare to enter the court-room. And we ask that Your perfect peace, which passes human comprehension will guard our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus our Lord and that in Your grace we may have clarity of thought, tranquility of minds, wisdom in the answers we give, Your sufficient grace throughout the ordeal and an outcome that glorifies Your name this we ask in Jesus name,


Lord I ask you to create in me a clean heart and renew a right spirit within me. As I walk out of those bars of confinement, let me never enter them again as an accused/guilty person. Wash me clean and make me whole. Help me to renew my mind to think like a free man. Help me to forget all the horrors I saw with my eyes and heard with my ears. Cleanse me of the filthiness of my surroundings. I thank you for the liberty in Christ Jesus. I thank you for receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost. Thank you for preserving my life to bring glory to your name. As I seek your face, satisfy my longings in your righteousness. Thank you in advance for a saved wife that you have prepared for me. Thank you for my children that aren't born yet. Thank you that I might be a man to bring glory to your name and upbuild the kingdom. In Jesus name, Amen.

Dear Father, Our hearts cry out for justice, for fairness, for equality, for restoration. Come, come into this courtroom with us. Come Holy Spirit presence yourself amongst us and within us as we seek to be understood. Reveal the truth, throw light on the darkest places to bring justice. Protect us from the lies of the enemy that seek to pull us down and guard our hearts from anything that creates fear in our lives. Lord, we stand on holy ground. Thank you that we are adopted into your family. Thank you that no matter what happens we are secure and safe within your love and grace. So we go boldly into this court hearing knowing you are with us, and will lead us through this time with your hand in ours. Amen.

Father, we lay before you our anxieties and concerns about this court case. You know our journey to this place, the struggles, the heartache and the difficulties. Please cover every aspect of the hearing, from the judgement of the judge and jury, to the details revealed in this session. Holy Spirit please presence yourself with us as we testify. Come calm our troubled hearts and minds with your eternal peace and help us to remember that your hand is upon us. Thank you that you will lead us through this hard time into a new season of hope and rest. We pray all this in the wonderful name of Jesus Christ our Lord and King. Amen.