Prayer For Person Going Through Divorce

Heavenly Father, we know that so often it is the members of our own families and household, and those we dearly love who are the ones who are most often hostile to our love for You and our witness of the glorious gospel of grace. Lord, You know the verbal accusations and other forms of criticism and ridicule we so often have to endure from our nearest and dearest and ask that You would give us the wisdom and strength to endure such trials, and to demonstrate the love of Jesus in our responses, so that You may be glorified and they may be irresistibly drawn to the Lord Jesus Christ.

Lord, we ask that You would guard the spiritual pulse of our inner heart and pray that You would give us the grace to persevere under this constant barrage of family criticism. Give us the wisdom to know when to speak and when to remain silent, and may our love for You eclipse any intimidation we may feel from family criticism and ridicule, and give us grace to remain a faithful and true witness to You. In Jesus' name,


Help me Lord, to come to a greater understanding of the reason for the inevitable trials and tribulations that pepper down on the lives of all people, but especially those that are Your children, who find it hard to understand why their Father in heaven seems to have turned a deaf ear to their repeated pleas for help. And yet Father, as I reflect on all that the Lord Jesus did for me and how You reached down when I was dead in trespasses and sins and lifted me out of the miry clay and clothed me in Christ's righteousness, I see Your gracious patience towards me and it causes me to wonder in amazement that You should take such time and effort with a person such as me, who is not worthy to unloose Your shoelaces.

Lord, I pray that You would direct my heart to see more and more of Your love towards me and of Christ's gracious perseverance, as He lived a perfect life, in order that He could be made the sinless sacrifice, to pay the price for my sins. Thank You that despite the times when I have not listened to the gentle promptings of the Holy Spirit in my life, and have taken a dead end road of my own choosing and failed over and again to learn the lessons that you would teach me, that You have always been there to pick me up. Thank You for Your gracious patience towards me when I have doubted Your Word or grumbled about my lot in life and thank You Father, for remaining faithful towards me when I have proved faithless toward You, and must have quenched or grieved the work of the Holy Spirit in my life.

Father, it is as I reflect on Your gracious patience towards me for so long that I begin to understand more and more the reason for those inevitable trials and tribulations that pepper down on the lives of Your children. It is so that we may grow in grace and in a knowledge of You. Help me Lord to see You in the difficulties of life and seek to persevere through every trial, so that I may grasp all that You would have me learn. In Jesus' name I pray,


Heavenly Father, I trust You wholeheartedly with any big issue I face that compels me to seek Your face, in Jesus' name, amen.

O loving and creating God, bless families hurting with the pain of separation and divorce. We know that when two people are married, they mean it for life. Yet, at times, with some people, and in some very complex situations, it just doesn't happen that way.

Give peace and courage to all who have experienced the disruption caused by divorce or separation. Help them to accept their feelings of rejection, loneliness and grief.

Help them, above all, to believe in Your presence, and to believe in the Church as a source of strength and compassion.

Help all of us to be sensitive to emotional, spiritual and physical needs of children who have divorced or separated parents. Enable us to reach out in love. May our priests be aware of the pain of separated and divorced parishioners and always welcome them in parish spiritual and social activities.

Especially we pray, O God, that as we continue to recognize Jesus in the "breaking of the bread", we will carry Jesus with us and reach out to all our separated and divorced families with love, compassion and understanding. Amen.

Lord, we know that things in this world are hard and that marriage is not the bed of roses that the pop songs and romance novel make it out to be. But a good marriage partnership has to be worked at from both sides, and often for a lifetime, if the result is to be the depth of mutual love that we know is possible, for those that are in Christ.

Prevent them from rushing into divorce too quickly we pray, and give them both the grace and the wisdom to seek You and Your will for their lives. May they be reconciled with each other, and with You, and draw ever closer to the Lord Jesus. Pour out Your love and peace and forgiveness into their hearts and renew a right relationship between them we pray. In Jesus' name,


Father, You know whatever the problem is between them, and I pray that both of them will seek Your face before going through this irreversible decision. Lord, we pray that in Your grace and mercy You would move both their hearts to rethink this decision, and may Your Holy Spirit convict their hearts and bring to mind the marriage vows they made to each other, in Your presence.

Be with us all in the days that lie ahead, and help us to keep our trust in You, knowing that all things work together for good to those that are Your children. In Jesus' name we pray,


Loving Father, my husband has divorced me and I am so full of pain and sadness. I went into my marriage for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness or in health, and expected it to continue until death parted us, but the emotional and economic strains on our marriage became so heavy that it caused us to separate and finally to divorce. Although my husband took the decision to divorce, against my desire, I admit that some of the fault must lie at my door too.


God be with my friend during this difficult times, protect him from all harm that may come his way, put him under your wings, cover him with your blood, may your angel walk with him where ever he goes, protect his kids from the evil of this world. Give him strength and wisdom to make the right decisions, all in Jesus name.