Prayer For Perseverance

Father, we come boldly before your throne, and ask in Jesus' namebelieving it shall be donethat you will _____. Thank you for making a way; please show us the way.

As we tread through this season, Lord, guide us and help us navigate our circumstances. Light our steps that you lay before us as we step ever closer to answered prayers. Comfort us, assure us of your promises, and that you hear our prayers. Let us take up your yoke, instead of the one we often take in our own strength.

Thank you for loving us in a way we can never deserve or earn. Please strengthen us to live for your glory. Infuse us with your limitless grace, wisdom, and joy.

In Jesus' holy and powerful name we pray.


Lord, I thank you for the trials you have given me. Your word says that blessed is the man who perseveres under trial. I declare that I have the Victory! In Jesus name, Amen!

Grant, O God, That we may never lose the way through our self-will, and so end up in the far countries of the soul; that we may never abandon the struggle, but that we may endure to the end, and so be saved; that we may never drop out of the race, but that we may ever press forward to the goal of our high calling; that we may never choose the cheap and passing things, and let go the precious things that last forever; that we may never take the easy way, and so leave the right way; that we may never forget that sweat is the price of all things, and that without the cross, there cannot be the crown.

So keep us and strengthen us by your grace that no disobedience and no weakness and no failure may stop us from entering into the blessedness which awaits those who are faithful in all the changes and chances of life down even to the gates of death; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

Heavenly Father,

Help _____ to consider it pure joy when he faces trials of many kinds, since the testing of his faith develops perseverance, and perseverance is what works in us to make us mature and complete, not lacking anything. Make _____ mature and complete, Lord. (James 1:2-4)


Dear Lord, You are our Loving God and Sustainer. You will never allow us to completely fail. You won't allow us to be defeated by our fears, for You lovingly care for our welfare. Overwhelm our fears and doubts with the joy and confidence which Your promises bring. Sweep away our haunting failures and mistakes with the unchangeable truth of Your ever-present and unconditional love. Refresh and refocus our minds on You once more, that we may have the strength to persevere in Your Name. Amen.

Lord, In You alone, we find true rest. You are a relief to the weary. You are rest to the burdened. At times, we struggle through life's troubles, clueless and aimless. You are there to provide instruction and direction. May we learn to trust to Your strength what we cannot handle ourselves so we can persevere. May we, in humility, fully depend on You when we are at our wit's end. Do not allow us to fall into hopelessness. Instead, constantly remind us to come to you for rest. Renew us for the challenges ahead. Amen.

Comfort and strengthen each precious person who is suffering for righteousness sake. Draw very close to each and every one so that in Your strength they may persevere in these troublesome times, and in so doing bring glory to Yourself and serve as a faithful witness to those that are lost in their sins, of Your grace and goodness. Support all those who are grieving for righteousness sake we pray, perhaps due to the loss of a loved one or severe deprivation. Comfort and succour each hurting heart and keep each one firm in the faith they have in Christ Jesus our Lord. Thank You, Lord, that there is not one of Your children who is lost to Your eyes of pity, and we lift each and every one up to You. In Jesus' name,


Father, I bless and thank You for a brand new day and for the fresh opportunities and challenges that this day will bring. Thank You, that Your mercies are new every morning and I pray that I will walk worthy of You today and be a faithful witness in thought, word and deed, demonstrating a Christ-like attitude to all with whom I come in contact.

Keep me ever-focussed on You Lord, and keep my heart steadfastly trusting You for all my needs and necessities. Help me not to function in my own strength, but in the power of the Holy Spirit. May I stand firm in the truth of the gospel of grace, and remain steadfastly looking to Jesus, trusting in Him to supply His sufficient strength for all occasions. Teach me all that You would have me to learn today and give me the courage and strength to press on toward the goal for the upward call in Christ Jesus. In Jesus' name I pray,
