Prayer For Office Christmas Party

Christmas is your birthday and as thus, we should celebrate it with you.

May we learn to give more than to receive, just as you did in your manger in Bethlehem.

You have gifted us with your generous blessings and love in spite of our shortcomings.

May you continue to guide us in your future endeavors.

May your love and peace be known to the world through our actions.

All these we ask in your powerful name, amen.

We thank you Lord, for allowing us to come together for this Christmas Party.
We acknowledge your blessings and your all-abounding love.

Grant that as we enjoy this occasion, we can also share your words of love through our actions.

Bless the hands that have prepared this food. May they prepare more healthy and nourishing food for your people. May they be blessed with your peace and love.

Bless the organizers of this party that they may also thrive in your peace and love.

Bless all who are present here today and all families back home that we may experience the true meaning of Christmas. Amen

Dear Lord,

We come before you in prayer to thank you for our blessings.

We thank you for the men and women who work with us each day.

We thank you for this holiday meal that we are sharing.

We ask that you would bless this food and bless the time we have together this evening.


Dear Lord,

Christmas is a wonderful season.

Thank you for this time when we can joyously celebrate Christmas together.

This room is filled with people who reach out each day to help one another.

Thank you for this fine group of people that I have the pleasure to work with.

I pray that you would bless each one here with a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.


Allow us to share with one another your all-abounding love, just as you have showed us. Bless all our families, friends and everyone, so that as we enjoy this Christmas party, we would also realize that this is a celebration of your birthday; that Christmas is not about expensive gifts and grand parties but it is about love and generosity to everyone, especially the underprivileged.

Make us realize that in celebrating your birthday, we should also spread joy and love not only here in this party but also when we leave this venue.Amen

Heavenly Father, we are all gathered here for our Christmas Party. May you bless us with your generosity and love so that everyone present here would be able to partake of the joy of your birth.

Bless this Christmas Party so that everyone will have fun in a Christian atmosphere. We ask all these through your son, Jesus Christ. Amen.

God, from whom every good thing takes its start and receives its steady and full growth; grant, we beg of You, that what we commence for the glory of Your name may be carried to completion by the ever-present aid of Your fatherly wisdom; through Christ our Lord. Amen

Heavenly Father, thou hast made sympathy divine. May I never make it commonplace. Grant that as thou dost bless and comfort me I may be willing to comfort others, and do whatsoever thou wouldst have me do. Amen.