Prayer For New Home Blessing

Peace to this house and to all who enter here. Amen
Your home is a sacred place. It is a place where we feel safe, can relax, and be our true selves. You home is where you gather as a family, it is where you are taught your life's values and ideals. Where you nurture, support and encourage one another. Home is the place where you have organized, decorated..settled. It is a place of tranquility and peace.
Throughout time, in many religions and cultures it has been a tradition to offer prayers of blessings to a home and its inhabitants.
Today we gather here to bless this (new) home for (say the names of all the people and pets who will live here).
We will use the traditional elements that support healing, well-being, trust, love and harmony as we ask for blessings from God.
(John 14:23)
Jesus said:
Those who love me will keep my word, and my Father will love them, and we will come to them, and make our home with them.
Come, Lord Jesus.

God Bless the Corners of this House
and be the Lintel Blessed
And Bless the Hearth
And Bless the Board
And Bless Each Place of Rest
Bless Each Door That Opens Wide To Strangers and to Kin
And Bless Each Crystal Windowpane
that lets the Sunshine In
And Bless the Rooftree Overhead
And Every Sturdy Wall
The Peace of Man
The Peace of God
The Peace of Love to All

Bless this house, o'Lord we pray
make it safe by night and day
Bless these walls, so firm and stout
keep want and trouble out
Bless the roof and chimney tall
let thy peace lie over all
Bless the door that it may prove
ever open to joy and love
Bless these windows shining bright
letting in gods heavenly light
Bless the folk who dwell within
keep them pure and free from sin
Bless us that one day we may dwell
o'Lord with thee.

Dear Lord,

Trying to find a home was so exciting! I never imagined having my own home would be so invigorating. Lord, this was a new process and I thank You for putting the right people in my life to make this happen. My realtor was very kind and answered all of my questions to help me purchase this home. As I learn to maintain this home, Father, maintain my heart and help me to always remember that this home is not my forever home. You have a room ready for me in glory! I love You, Lord!



Thank You for leading us to this house. It is wonderful and just right for our family. We didn't know which house You would lead us to, but we trusted You. I pray, Lord, that as You led us to this house that You will continue to lead us daily. We give You the honor, praise and glory this day!

God of My Future, I delight in You and Your Word, and I know that You will give me the desires of my heart because I have been faithful to You. My future belongs to You, therefore, I am not afraid for You want me to prosper. I pray that You bless me with the house that I desire so that I can welcome a new chapter in my life. Lord, have Your divine way in me and within my household. Amen.

God of Miracles, I pray to You so that I feel safe in my future home. Help my mind be free of fear about someone breaking into my home or any harm that could come to me. Fill my heart with the peace that comes from knowing that You are with me and will protect me from danger. Free my mind from the distressing anxieties that come from worrying about enemies harming me or other dangers or disruptions. I thank You for allowing me to buy my own home. I am so grateful that You have blessed me financially so that I can do so. I pray that You continue to bless me and surround me and my future home. Amen.

Bless this house! May it be every day changed by Your love, Jesus. Keep our homes safe. Protect our dwellings from fire, flood, wind, invasion, and theft. Let our houses be safe places to restore what has been lost and welcome mats for those who need Your love. We ask for a legacy of love that drifts down into the furthest generations of our family and the family of all that walk through our door.

In Jesus' Name,