Prayer For My Sister Birthday

Dear sister, while you celebrate this important moment that marks your birthday, it is my prayer that you will forever walk in God's favor, miracles, and tranquility. Stay blessed, my love.

Happy birthday, sister! May the Lord continue to open all kinds of amazingly beautiful opportunities for happiness in your life. This is my greatest prayer for you

On this special moment,
this simple prayer is my little present..
O Lord please keep Your blessings upon her,
show Your way, wherever..whenever..
Let her not live her life on her own,
always be with her that she'll never be alone.
Help her out in times of trouble,
strengthen her faith through all the struggle.

Heavenly Father, thank you for all that you do and continue to do in my life and the lives of my sister. Today, I ask that for a special covering that only you can provide for those women, your daughters, who are persecuted for their faith. Fill them with your strength, your peace, and grace and they face persecution day in and day out. Lead them to still waters with your staff and your rod. For we are your royal priestesses- daughters. We can stand firm in your love. always

The child of God always will be at the top, never at the bottom (Deut 28:13) in the name of Jesus. Amen

Dear God,
Please help all this lady and please help her to know that she is all made in God's image.

You know everything she is facing in her private life and You have not, and will never abandon her. If You allowed her to face a test or trial, it is because You will be glorified in the end. Breathe on her Father God a fresh wind and give her a fresh fire for You. Fill her with your Holy Ghost and with anticipation of You. Be glorified in her life in a great way. I pray this with all of my heart, and I thank You in advance for answering my prayer. In the name of Jesus, Amen.

We pray that you may find a way in life, May God gave you abundant blessing. allow you to be touched by the Heart of Jesus.