Prayer For My Sister In Law

Fate smiled upon me the day that you became my sister-in-law from the very baginning. May the Lord bless you in all your ways and leads you towards your purpose in life, In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Lord, Help us to learn all we can about you and let that truth sink deep into our hearts and minds. Please help us to recognize the lies and false beliefs that can so cunningly deceive us and weaken our prayers. We long to spend sweet time with you in prayer. Amen

Dear Lord,
Thank you for these friendships. Please forgive us when we get busy or become distracted and let prayer fall in our priorities. Help us to be diligent and committed in our prayer times.
We know that the enemy does not want us to succeed in praying together. Help us to be alert and remain faithful in prayer. Please help us to recognize when we are getting carried away with too much talk and gently convict our hearts as only you can do and turn them towards you.
Inspire our hearts and instruct our minds as we pray today. Thank you for the blessing of
joining with these friends as we come to you with our requests. We trust you to lead us solidly
into prayer, and we trust you for the answers

Our Father in heaven,
I'm so grateful for all You had given.
I come before You to pray,
especially on this very day,
as I recall my life journey
with someone whom I love so dearly.
She's a rival, yet a friend,
a companion, a guide & guardian
Ever since our childhood,
she always be by my side to keep me good.

God, be with my sisters. Let them feel your presence, give them your peace. End their persecution. In Jesus' name, Amen.

I pray that she may know You, oh Lord, and that You may be more real to her than what she can even see. I ask that you free and deliver her from all fear and help her stand in holy boldness because she know that You stand with her and we as the body do too. In Jesus Christ's name. Amen.

Father God may your hand be upon all our sisters and brothers. Give them strength in Jesus Mighty name Amen.

Dear God, Thank you for everything you do for us, please be with these women. Let them see you in everything. Please keep them from the evil that tries to harm them. Please let them have strong faith and not give up. In Jesus Name we pray, Amen.