Prayer For My Sister Poem

We thank God for the precious gift
of an eternal sister's love,
His blessing of sweet friendship
In the joy of being one.
For as sisters in the bond of love,
together we can care,
And support each other day by day
In never ceasing prayer.

While dearest friends
are very rare and precious jewels
and delighted in - to keep
like very treasured art ...
I think the most I can say
of a really special sister is...
You are cherished
in my heart.

A Sister Is...
A friend you know is there
even if you're far away
someone who just knows
without the words to say

A kindred spirit, a special pal
who can read between the lines
her gentle heart of love
beats with you every time

Always there, God's loving gift
to reach out for your hand
to want to gently squeeze it
because she understands.

Sister, I am so happy you've locked,
Your life in with a man that I am happy to say
Is better than I could have chosen for you,
I teared up when I saw you in your dress,
And saw your face as you walked toward your new husband,
A look I have imagined for some time

May you deserve what you want to be!
But not crush anyone's feelings mercilessly

May your dreams be higher than sky!
And your love greater than the world

May you tackle all the obstacles boldly!
That makes you most frightened in night

May the Almighty protect you!
When you get stuck in a big dilemma

May you have wonderful ideas and views,
To shape the world,
And you be helpful to poor in their basic needs

May you be a light to the world!
May your light show everyone a beautiful way

May you make every relation stronger?
With birds, animals, Mother nature & people.

May you live long!
And have a lot of happiness

May tears not come in your eyes!
But may a sweet smile be on your face

May you have a wonderful success!
But not pride in you

May you be humble to everyone!
And you will get everyone's blessings

May you see the real beauty of life!
Not a fake beauty that spoils your mind

May you always dwell in my heart!
And I'll start my wonderful journey from you

Guide her in doing her calling,
may onto You she will always cling.

God, I do acknowledge,
having her as a sister is a privilege..

Thank you, Father,
Please accept this simple prayer,

in Jesus name,
I proclaim..


Someone with whom I could share
all the joy & tears to bear..

the togetherness..sense of loving & caring
had taught me to be a better human being.

Though sometimes she could be quite emotional,
yet under any circumstances, keep being rational.

She maybe not perfect,
but she's the one I always respect.