Prayer For My Sister For Strength

Jesus encourages, Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love (John 15:4, 9, NIV).
By surrendering to his will, we let Jesus live his life of love through us. God created you to live in unity with him so that you radiate Jesus' life of unconditional, self-giving, other-centered love.

Jesus came to free us from past sins and give us eternal life. And he also came to replace our sin nature with his nature of love so we can live on earth as God designed.
God designed you to know his love and to share that love with others. Loving others marks you as a follower of Jesus.

Dear Lord I come as humble as I may
Asking you to give my little sister strength
That she will need to make it thru the day.
I know the road ahead of her is going to be tuff
give her faith in knowing that in you God she can trust

Father God may your mighty hand be upon my sister's. Comfort them Father God and give them strength to stand strong in Jesus mighty name Amen. God Bless You All!!!

Lord, strengthen our dear sisters in hope, that they may get a glimpse (or more) of the value you place on them, the spritual gifts you've equipped them with, and the future you have prepared for those who remain faithful. Send more laborers to the harvest, I pray.

Father, please allow her to see the ability to physical strength back. Give my sister peace as well as the rest of the family and keep her in the palm of your loving hand. In Jesus' name Amen.

I pray the same for you my sister.. May God continue to bless you and your ministry.. In Jesus' mighty,powerful, name we pray and we are in agreement Father, Hallelujah! Thank you Jesus! Amen!

I pray you receive strength and fortitude to fight this sickness and come out stronger in the name of Jesus.