Prayer For My Sister Having Surgery

I pray that the Almighty remove all the black clouds of sorrow from your life and fill it with the light of his blessings. My best wishes are always with you, sister.

I can't begin to imagine the pain she must feel
But when I look into my sisters eyes the hurt
Is all to real
So Lord I come to you as humble as I may
Asking you to give my little sister strength to make
thru the day, Amen

Lord, You had made Your plan for us both,
that we would know what is really worth.
Though there are times, every now & then,
towards each other, we misunderstand..
All the mistakes of the past,
Your grace alone that is steadfast,
enable us to forgive & to forget,
however hard things might get..
Anything could happen, everything may go wrong,
nevertheless, this family is always where we belong.

God longs to heal the hurting, strengthen the weak, and cheer the discouraged. He never gives up on anyone.
Why? Because the Creator of the Universe custom-designed you and cherishes you. Job said, You guided my conception and formed me in the womb. You clothed me with skin and flesh, and you knit my bones and sinews together. You gave me life and showed me your unfailing love (Job 10:10-12, NLT).

Dear God, I lift up my sister to you as she prepares to have surgery. Father, please protect and watch over her while she is in surgery and I pray that you will guide the hands of the surgeon and give them eyes to see what they need to see. I pray over every person that will be in the operating room, that you will give them wisdom and guidance.

Lord, please surround her with your warm blanket of comfort so her pain would be eased. Give her victory over the worry that follows surgery and give her rest. Help her to trust in your perfect timing and to be accepting of your will, not hers. We trust in your will for my sister and know that our desires for healing may not be the same as yours.

I pray Lord that you will give each person in the operating room wisdom and that you will guide the surgeon's hands. Please be present with her as she falls asleep and help her to feel you there beside her.

The times when we are afflicted isn't one to ask Why me, rather we should ask that the name of God be glorified through the situation. I pray you get your miracle today.