Prayer For My Sister In Hospital

Dear Jesus,
As we juggle our busy calendars, we ask you to give us the courage to seek you
continually, trust you completely, rely on you fully, and to make the sacrifice of time to pray
regularly. We long for closeness with you, for in that closeness we find peace, and the strength to
pray with power and persistence. Take us to that deep place in you, for your honor and glory.
We bend our will to yours, trusting in the truth that you know what is best for us, and you will
defeat the enemy as we pray

Dear Lord Jesus,
We thank you for the great things you are doing. Thank you for the beautiful work you
have begun in our lives (Philippians 1:6). We invite you to keep on working, in us and in the
lives of our loved ones. Help us to be diligent in our commitment to pray together, and tenacious
in our prayers. We trust your promises to meet our needs and teach us your ways. Strengthen us
as we pray for each other and our loved ones today

Dear Lord,
We know that your love and mercy are fresh every morning (Lamentations 3:21-24).
When you look at us, you don't see our faults. You see beautiful women whom you created.
Remind us of who we are in you, and help us to see each other the way you see us. Thank you,
Father, for revealing just how special you made us to be. As individuals and as a special group of friends who come to you together in prayer. It is because of you and your great love for us that we are here today. All glory and honor and praise be to you, great King of Kings, as we pray today

Dear Sister,
During these tough times when you're tempted to think that God is far from you, remember that He promises to never leave.
In Isaiah 43:2, His Word declares that He is with us through the tough times, and that neither water nor fire can ever consume us.

Heavenly Father, I pray for my sister's protection, that they may be shielded from the enemy and find peace and love in your mighty arms. I pray that they find refuge in our Good Shepherd and know that you are a very present help in trouble. Sisters, I pray that you are strengthened! do not be moved for the power of the Holy Spirit is with you. In Jesus' Mighty name. Amen. Sisters, I love you! Endure to the end for eternity with Christ is worth everything. See you in Heaven!

I pray that the Lord's healing power would be at work in my sister, and that she would know God's peace, be aware of His love and care, and be clothed with His dignity.

Lord I pray that this beautiful young woman will treasure and store your word in her heart, Psalm 119:11. That even though her pain is great, Your love for her is greater. I pray that Your love will overwhelm her. That Your Spirit will fill her with strength and guidance. Give her the strength she needs to stand up for the truth. But also the courage to love, even though she might be hated. Thank you that You restore her, that You heal her, every day. In Jesus Name. Amen.

You are a good Father. Thank You for going to the cross so you can heal the pain of my sister who is carrying her cross today. You are our deepest healer. Father remind her of your immeasurable love for her as Your daughter. That You are PROUD she is your daughter, and not a son.