Prayer For My Sister And Her Family

Father, You created women in Your image and they are extremely valuable to You. May the family of my sister and her believers realize Your perspective of them as holy, righteous, forgiven, beloved, daughters of the King. Protect them from evil. Provide for their needs. Give them courage as they completely trust in Jesus always. Grant them peace that only You can give. Remind them that this world is not their home, but that they are citizens of heaven and will live forever with You someday in a perfect place. Amen.

Dear Jesus,
Please be with the my sister and her family. Help then to be strong in whatever they have to face each day. Give them strength through mighty hand so they can face any giants in their way. Help them to come to you in their times of trouble and praise you in the storm.

Lord, I thank you for the life of my sister. You have watched over her life from the day she was born. You have sustained her all these years, and she has been a blessing to our family.

Father, I also pray for her family as they wait. Help them to feel your presence and assure each of them that my dear sister's life is in your hands. Please restore her health through the surgery and give her the strength to recover quickly. Help me to minister to her before and after. We trust in you Father and in your healing (Philippians 4:13.)

Forgive us when we struggle to accept your will for our lives. You are the only one who knows what's perfect for our life and for our health. We give you all the glory and honor. We trust you Father and in your promises to help and heal us (Psalm 30:2.)

Father I bring Araba and her family into your hands.I know you have been faithful to them through these difficult times. Please continue to strength them in your love so that there will always be love and understanding among them. Pls take the spirit of pride away from them and replace it with your love.I pray this through Christ my Lord. Amen.

Ever since you've become sick, my prayer has been all about your rapid recovery and swinging back to your healthy and happy life you and your family.

Dear father,
Please protect my father, mother, my wife, myself and my children. Please bless us with good health and keep us free from cancer, stroke, sickness and disease. Please let my father be okay and let my parents live a healthy life to look after my children.