Prayer For My Sister

Praying for Jesus
Send your healing grace O Lord send relief from her pain pour out your mercy and your Spirit over Jesus

Dear heavenly Father,
I come to you today completely trusting in your goodness and mercy. I appeal to your loving Spirit to watch over my sister. I praise you for her life and her soul. Thank you for her presence in my life.

Look upon my sister with your tenderness and grace. If she hurts bring her healing. If she's afraid give her courage. If she has fallen lift her up in forgiveness.

And most of all dear Lord, let her know she is loved. Let her know I love her. Let her know you love her. And let love heal even her deepest wounds.

Give her confidence knowing she is your child. Oh heavenly Father, embrace my sister's heart. Bless her my Lord. Let her be healthy, free and protected in the strength of your loving arms.

In Jesus name,


Father God, I take a moment to pray for my sister. I pray You will minister to her mind and heart. Remind her that You are in control and everything is going to be alright. Establish Your Kingdom in her life LORD and bring divine order where there's been confusion and chaos. As she humbles herself before You and submits to Your will, Amen

I pray You will take Your rightful place on the throne of her heart. Help her take her rightful place in being seated in heavenly places with Christ. Help her to put the enemy under her feet where he belongs, and help her to walk in her spiritual authority in Christ. I pray that You supernaturally strengthen her heart. You are able to do exceeding abundantly above all that she can ask or think. Help her believe that not only are You able, but You are willing. Help her get to know You better and get to know Your character. You said, they that do know their God will be strong and do great exploits.

All I wish for you is a fast recovery, a smiling face, and a healthy life. May God bestow you with faith, patience and hope to get well soon.

All I pray to Lord Jesus that he give you strength and patience to overcome this tough time. May you get back to healthy life very soon!
I wish something magical happens and all your sickness just vanish. Have faith in God. The day you are fully recovered is near.

All these things, including the pain, shall work together for your good. I know it might be difficult to believe that in this situation, but don't stop believing. I am consistently praying for your healing.

Lord, thank you so much for what you've given me. I feel blessed for the life that I have and the people you've placed in it. I know that you are always looking out for me, supporting me, and guiding me in the way you want me to live. But today, Lord, I am not coming to you for myself. Today I come to you for my sister. She is one of the most important people you've placed in my life, and today I lift her up to you for blessings.

Lord, you have given me a sister who is my biggest support. I ask, Lord, that you protect her heart from those who would come against her. I ask that you bless her to be kind and intelligent. I ask that you give her strength to stand against those that would try to hurt her by leading her down darker paths. Lord, I ask that you give her a bigger heart for you, making her more sensitive to your voice and discerning in her decisions.

I also ask, Lord, that you bless the two of us together. I ask that you allow us to get along more often. I ask that you build up our relationship and help us avoid the arguments that tear so many siblings apart. Lord, I ask that you give me kinder words to say to her. I ask that you give me more patience to deal with her, and give her more patience with me. Lord, I ask that you allow us to work through our differences in ways that draw us closer together.

And Lord, I ask that you grow her into a woman of God. I ask that you guide her footsteps toward a bright future full of love and hope. I ask that you give her friends that support her and protect her. I ask that you give her a career and a family that will be as satisfying to her as it is to you.

Lord, there are few people in my life as precious to me as my sister, and I want all the best for her. No matter how many times we may argue or annoy one another, there is no other person I want close to me. She is my sister, and I love her. So I offer her up to you for your blessings. I offer her up to you so that you place your hand on her life. I just ask for blessings for her.

Thank you, Lord. I know I can do nothing without you, and I am grateful every day for that. You continue to place people and situations on my heart, and I will continue to ask your blessings for them. Thank you for all you do for me, even those things I cannot see. In your holy ?name I pray, Amen.