Prayer For My Pastor And His Family

May the grace of God never depart from you, may the lord continue to shower you with his anointing from heaven, may you never lack anything good throughout the rest of your life and may you continue to abide in the house of the lord now and forever more.

Dear pastor, you are indeed the perfect description of all that was thought in the Bible, you're gentle like the dove, you love us the way you would love yourself, we appreciate your faithfulness and your works in the house of the lord and we pray to God to pay you back in multiple folds, may you have the best of birthdays today and continue to age gracefully.

Father you've so graciously given two families to our beloved pastors: their personal or extended family and their professional family.
To their personal families, please give strength to endure the demanding schedule of a pastor.
Instill the family with compassion to not take it personally when he or she doesn't want to talk about their work and give the family intuition to know when their officer needs the space to decompress when returning home.
May the family never minimize the significance of a pastor's work. Let home be a place of solace when he or she returns safely but perhaps scarred by what they've seen and experienced.

O Lord, our Rock and Redeemer, may the words of our pastors' mouths and the meditations of their hearts be pleasing in Your sight (Psa. 19:14).

May You, O Lord, give our pastor(s) the desires of their hearts and make all of their plans succeed (Psa. 20:4).

Lord, our God, may Your favor rest upon our pastor(s) and establish the work of their hands (Psa. 90:17).

God of hope, may You fill our pastor(s) with all joy and peace as they trust in You, so that they may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit (Rom. 15:13).

Lord of peace, may You give our pastor(s) and their families peace at all times and in every way (2 Thess. 3:16).

May You, the God of peace, equip our pastor(s) with everything good for doing Your will, and may You work in them what is pleasing to You, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen (Heb. 13:20-21).

Gracious Lord, may our pastor(s) fear You so that they will have a secure fortress that will always be a refuge for their children (Prov. 14:26). May they consistently teach their children to revere Your commands by following their example (Psa. 34:11), so that they might be blessed (Psa. 112:1-2). Help them to manage their families well so that their children will obey them with proper respect (1 Tim. 3:4-5). May they love their wives just as Christ loved the Church (Eph. 5:25). Help them to be considerate and respectful to their wives so that nothing will hinder their prayers (1 Pet. 3:7). Faithful Lord, strengthen and protect our pastor(s) and their families against the attacks of the enemy (2 Thess. 3:3), and may their household always choose to serve You (Josh. 24:15).

Dear Holy Spirit,
Today I pray for the fruits of the spirit in my pastor's lifethat love, joy, peace, and patience will guide; that kindness and goodness will be companions; that faithfulness will be the motto, and that gentleness and self-control will be evident to all. Help the pastor to see each person today through Your eyes. And help them to see You in the pastor. I love you, Lord, and I thank you for my pastor, in Jesus' name.

Dear God in Heaven, we love you and know that your promises in the Bible are true. Please hold our pastor in the palm of your hands as he continually walks by faith, knowing that you will provide for his every need as well as the needs of his family. Please help him to remember what Jesus said about your generosity and loving kindness. Help him to know that you know every hair on his head and that he is much more than any sparrow. I praise you for all that you have already done for my pastor and his family and pray that you will continue to bless him with everything that he needs. I pray in the precious name of Jesus, Amen.

Dear Lord, your word says many things about faithfulness, I pray now for our pastor that he will continue to be faithful to You and to Your church. Help him to always seek Your direction in his life and the life of Your church. I pray that he is faithful in all that he does, faithful to his commitments, faithful to his wife and family, faithful to his staff, but most of all I pray that he is always faithful to You in what you would have for him to do to accomplish Your plan for his life. Lord help him to be faithful to proclaim your name in all the earth. I praise you for this time that I have to offer up my prayer for faithfulness Lord and ask that you grant it in the name of Jesus, Amen.