Prayer For My Pregnancy

Dear Heavenly Father, what a joy the birth of a new little baby brings and we thank You for the of this little life, and ask You to pour out Your special blessing upon them and the whole family.
Guard and protect this little one, we pray. Enfold them in Your love and grace, and we ask that in Your grace and mercy, that the light of Your love would shine into their little life and that one day they would come to a saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ. In Jesus' name we pray,


Lord, Teach me to be a good and faithful mother and to take the responsibilities of motherhood seriously. Teach me also how to bring up my child to know You Lord Jesus, so that my precious little baby will grow up to accept You as their Saviour. And Lord, You Who loved to welcome the little children into your arms, open Your arms of love I pray for us, and keep us all safe from harms way, under the protection of Your wings of love.

God, when I look at this child in my tummy, I'm astonished that you were able to give up your Son. I could never willingly send my baby away on a mission like you gave Jesus. I can't begin to comprehend Your love for me and I never understood it this way until having this baby. Thank you, God, for your endless love. Amen.

God, this world is so tough and I am afraid for this baby. I'm scared what hardships this child will face, for I have seen too many myself. God, I ask that You protect this precious child and make them safe in Your arms. May no evil be done to them and may you always reign the Lord over this marvelous life. Amen.

Lord, my Rock and my Refuge, I know that You care for my newborn baby, so I pray that my infant will dwell in the shelter of You the Most High. My child will be protected by the shadow of the Almighty God. You are my child's refuge and fortress. You are God in whom my child should trust. I thank You for protecting my child with Your feathers and providing him/her with refuge under Your wings. Your faithfulness will be my baby's shield, even the angels are commanded to guard my baby in all ways! Thank You, Father. Amen.

Jehovah Rapha, my Healer, I pray for the health of my baby. At such a young age my child is more vulnerable to sicknesses due to a weak immune system. But I pray Your word over my child. I pray that my child prospers and will be in good health, just as his/her soul prospers. I pray good health into my child's life, both physically and spiritually. Amen.

Lord, please fill me with your grace so that I may be restored and renewed in my role as a mother. Help me to remember that I do not have to do this alone that you are with me to strengthen and guide me.

Dear Lord, I know you have a plan for my child and I thank you and praise you for allowing me the gift of being his/her mother. I am frustrated because I want to see the fruits of my labor, Lord. Please give me the patience to continue being obedient to your word in raising my child. Teach me to wait in hope and confidence for you to make your will known in your time.