Prayer For My Pregnant Daughter

Eternal Father, thank you that you make all things work together for the good of those who are called according to your purposes. Please hear my prayer as I lift up my daugter and her pregnanc before you now. Bless and protect them Lord and use their work for the good and your glory. Supply them with the grace they need for everything that lies before them today. Help them, along with us and all your people around the world, to grow into maturity in Christ. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen.

We pray Your loving protection over all babies and their families and pray that many may be brought up to know the Lord Jesus as their Saviour. Give parents and grandparents and all those that are in any way connected with young babies, the wisdom and grace to care for them in a loving and secure environment.

Guard and protect, guide and provide for each innocent little baby and protect their the hearts and minds from a society that has grown far from the God Who created them and sent His Son to die, so that they might life. This we ask in Jesus' name,


God, I can't believe this tiny miracle exists. The world seems so different to me right now. Before life was literally different and now this child has opened my eyes to a new reality, one of pure innocence and unconditional love. My deep prayer is that I always see with these eyes. This moment will fade, but I don't want my new perspective to fade with it. Penetrate my entire being Lord and help me to live like this always, for it will greatly benefit this baby's life. Amen.

May all the blessing of our Lord touch your life today.
May He send His little angels to protect you on your way.
Such a wee little fit, sent from above.
Someone so precious to cherish and love.
May sunshine and moonbeams dance over your head
As you quietly slumber in your bed.
May good luck be with you wherever you go.
And your blessings outnumber the shamrocks that grow.

Beautiful One, I know that my baby is filled with power because he/she is Your child. I pray that this power will not be destroyed by the world. The days are evil, and the enemy seeks to destroy Your people in manipulative and intentional ways! I pray that You watch over my baby's coming and going, both now and forevermore, so that my baby will always be safe. I pray that my baby will be safe from the plans of the enemy. I know that You will keep my baby on Your righteous path. Amen.

Awesome God, hallelujah to Your name! I praise You because You have blessed me with something so precious. I pray for protection over my baby's life. I pray that my baby will be set apart from the world. I pray that he/she will not be satisfied by the things of the world, but my baby's joy will be found in You. Fill him/her with the joy of the Lord as his/her strength. Amen.

Lord, Troubles that she has seen will no longer be seen by those after her. Raise her to be a mighty woman of prayer. For her own sake, and for that of generations to come after her. Build around her, a community of like-minded people to raise and push one another forward. Stagnancy will not be her portion. She will keep growing and thriving as she does.

Thank you Father for the little baby that is about to be born. Lord, I pray that You would protect this unborn child that is being knit together in his/her mother's womb, and I pray Lord that You would give grace for a safe and healthy delivery at the right time.May this baby grow up to know and love the Lord Jesus, which will make him/her wise unto salvation. I pray for Your protection and grace for this little baby who is shortly to take his/her place in this world, and I ask that he/she may grow in wisdom and understanding. Guard and protect both mother and child as the day for delivery draws ever closer, and keep them from all the perils and uncertainties in this journey. Amen.