Prayer For My Pet

Lord hold my pets in your loving hands. Protect them as they protect us. Bless them and their families an others for the selfless acts they perform for us, Amen.

Lord Jesus, thank you for your protection over my life and my pet's life. Thank you for keeping her safe and secure in my body and in your love. Thank you for strengthening her, keeping her healthy. For as long as this pet lasts, I pray that you will be doing the mighty and marvelous work that only you can do, creating life and bringing beauty into the world through your creations. We give you all glory, honor, and praise for this life, Jesus. Amen.

As the birds own the sky and plants own the land, I just want to tell you on this special day that you own every part of me. It's just me and you forever baby.I call you my sunshine because you light up my world, you're the shade I run to in my days of rain.

You are the light that shines at the end of my dark tunnels, the fine breeze that hits my face in the morning, and the glistening stars that color up my night sky. Seeing your favorite person celebrate their birthday is one of the best feelings in the world. Have a good one, love of my life.

Lord God,
you have made the heavens and the earth by your great power.
You created all things for your glory,
yet there are those in your Creation who languish in pain and suffering.
Please look kindly upon those animals who are in need this day,
whether they are in the wild, on the streets, in captivity, or elsewhere.
Deliver those who are hurt, abused, hungry, and forgotten.
Please grant that they may be treated with the loving care and respect all your Creation deserves,
in the name of Jesus, amen.

O Lord, what a variety of things you have made!
In wisdom you have made them all.
The earth is full of your creatures.
Here is the ocean, vast and wide,
teeming with life of every kind,
both large and small
They all depend on you
to give them food as they need it.
When you supply it, they gather it.
You open your hand to feed them,
and they are richly satisfied

Jesus, it seems this is the time for (pet's name) to leave this world and to enter Your heavenly garden. Mercifully remove all suffering. Make the transition to death swift and full of Your peace. Usher her into Your heavenly kingdom gently and graciously. We thank You for giving her to us to share our pilgrimage here, and we look forward to being reunited with her there. (pet's name), we love you, and we release you into your Creator's eternal hand. Go in peace.

Heavenly Father, Please help us in our time of need, You have made us stewards of (name of pet). If it is Your will, please restore him (her) to health and strength. I pray too for other animals in need. May they be treated with the care and respect deserving of all Your creation. Blessed are You Lord God, and holy is Your name for ever and ever.