Prayer For My Goddaughter

O Lord Jesus Christ, you embrace children with the arms of your mercy, and make them living members of your Church; give grace, I pray you, on my Godchild, ____________, to stand fast in your faith, to obey your word, and to abide in your love; that, being made strong by your Holy Spirit, they may resist temptation, and may rejoice in the life that now is, and dwell with you in the life to come; through your merits, O merciful Savior, who with the Father and the Holy Spirit lives and reigns, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

Gracious God, cover my godchild _________ in grace, that they may know they are surrounded by love, yours, mine, and their family's, and most importantly that they abide in Jesus Christ our Savior, forever. Amen.

God of light and love, thank you for the joy of being a godparent,
And the opportunities it gives us to journey with our godchildren as they grow in faith.
Keep us faithful to the promises we have made to pray for them,
and to encourage them to deepen their relationship with you.
Help us to be a prayerful, supportive and loving presence in the lives of our godchildren,
And to model to them a life rooted in you, the way, the truth and the life.

Dear God,
Thank you for my godparents.
Look after them and bless them.
Help me to be kind and loving to them,
And help us together to know more of You.

Loving God,
You call us into relationship with you and with one another.
You give us friends and family to be with us on life's journey.
We thank you for godparents who pray for us,
listen to us, help us make good choices, and show us
more about Jesus.
Bless them on their journey of faith, and encourage them
in their prayers for the children of every age they
promised to support.
In Jesus name,

Lord God,
We pray for our godchildren today
That they may grow strong in faith and love,
Discovering more of the world around them,
And exploring your great love
As they work and play and rest,
In Jesus' name, Amen.

Loving God,
If we are parents, help us in our daily task to build homes that are places of love, laughter and learning,
If we are godparents, help us through the years to be faithful in prayer, to listen well and grow in wisdom,
If we are grandparents, help us to encourage and support across all generations,
If we are friends, neighbours or family, may we strengthen those around us as we show kindness and care,
And may each of us reflect your great love each and every day.
In Jesus' name, Amen.

As many of you may know, I am the godmother of the cutest, most lovable child in the world, Grace Emma. Though I have been praying for here since before her birth, for her first birthday, I wanted to find a specific prayer to give her, showing my commitment to praying for her daily.

Well, I have searched high and low for a prayer, and finding nothing, I wrote the following.

Most High God, You have given Grace as my goddaughter. I thank You for her life and for this great responsibility You have given to me.
Please help me to fulfill this responsibility to assist Grace's parents in their Christian duty.
Help me Lord to be a witness of Your love to her through my prayer, my life and my involvement in the Christian community.

Please remind me Lord of the great responsibility I have not only on the day of her baptism, but throughout her life, to pray for her.
Please bless this godchild of mine with an abundance of Your graces throughout her life, and be with her as she discerns Your purpose for her life.
Please stir up in her an intense desire to love You in every moment of her life.
Keep far from her any sin that will cause her to loose her soul.
Please guide her Lord to live a life of service, charity and love for others.

After the baptism of Your son Jesus Christ in the River Jordan, all people were challenged in these words, This is My beloved Son; listen to Him.
Through the graces of her baptism, may my godchild Grace always listen to the voice of our Lord Jesus Christ.

I ask this through Jesus Christ, our baptized Lord, Your Son, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God for ever and ever. Amen.