Prayer For My Grandchildren

God of Glory, Your Spirit is upon me and will never depart from me, Your words that You have put in my mouth will always be on my lips, on the lips of my children, and on the lips of their descendants from this time on and forever. Thank You in advance for blessing me with a generation of holy people. Cover my grandchildren in this perverse world, the word spoken over them has already set them apart from the wicked. I will arise and shine, for the glory of the Lord rises upon me, Amen.

God of Wonders, every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from You the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change. My grandchildren are a precious gift presented by You; I thank You for all of their lives! I pray that as they grow older, You will impart more of You into them so that they may grow to be righteous people; they will be a good gift to those around them. I pray that anyone who encounters my grandchildren will know that they have encountered You use them for Your glory, Amen.

Beautiful One, I thank You for my grandchildren. I know that they are a blessing that has come from You, so I pray that I do not take them for granted. I pray that I follow the example of Laban who arose early in the morning and kissed his grandchildren and his daughters and blessed them before departing. Like Laban, I pray that I appreciate my grandchildren so that they may know that they are loved. I ask for a pouring out of blessings over their life, in Jesus' name, Amen.

God of Love, I magnify Your Name because of who You are. I have known and relied on the love that You have for me and I pray that my grandchildren do the same. I pray that they will know that You are love and that genuine, pure love comes from You. Whoever lives in love lives in You and You in them. Father, live in them each day, shape them with Your love so that they can reflect this to those around them, Amen.

Glorious God, blessed is Your Name! I come to You with thanksgiving in my heart; You have blessed me with grandchildren! I pray that You keep my grandchildren so that they may be like You when they are older. I pray that in all things they will rejoice in You always. I will say it again: Rejoice! I pray that their joy will not come from their circumstances, but it will come from You living within them, therefore they will always have a song of praise to sing, Amen.

Jehovah Shalom, I call upon You as I pray this special covering over my grandchildren. I pray that You will keep them in perfect peace, I proclaim that their minds will be steadfast because they trust in You. Lord, I pray against any distractions that will cause them to stray from You or will lead their mind to wander elsewhere. I pray against any worldly distractions in their life, I pray that they keep their eyes fixed on You instead, Amen.

All-loving God, I pray that my grandchildren grow up to be kind-hearted people. I pray that they will be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other just as You forgave them. Let the garments that they clothe themselves with be compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience, because they are Your chosen people. I pray that they learn to serve Your people following the example that Jesus Christ did when He came to earth, Amen.

Blessed Savior, I pray over my grandchildren, just as I have feared You and my children have feared You, let their children fear You. I pray that they will obey all Your decrees and commands so that they will enjoy a long life with You. I pray that Your presence never leaves; everywhere they go let their light for You shine. The light of the righteous shines brightly, but the lamp of the wicked is snuffed out. I pray against dull lights and pray that they will shine brightly to those around them, Amen.