Prayer For My Grandmother

We thank You, God, for all of the grandmothers who are here today.
Their love and wisdom have helped to shape us into who we are,
and we have learned about how to love You and how to love each other
through their example.

Bless each of them with long life and show us all how to
honor them in ways that would let them know how much they mean
to us and that would also be pleasing in Your sight.


How I thank You Heavenly Father, for my dear, dear grandmother. She has always been such a special support and encouragement to me, especially as I was growing up and finding out about life and living. She has given me so much of her gentle wisdom and good advice, never being judgemental, but always fair and kind.

Thank You for the wonderful example she has been throughout my life of a godly woman who loves Jesus first and foremost, and for the unique way that she lovingly gently nudges me to turn to You, in all the circumstances of my life. Thank You for placing her in my life. Thank You, that I have had the opportunity of learning so much from her, for her knowledge of the Scriptures and her delight to turn to You in prayer, day by day.

Lord, now that she is getting older, I pray that You would keep Your loving arms around her and protect her from harm. Guard and guide her, protect her and provide all that she needs. Draw her ever closer to Yourself. In Jesus' name,


Dear Lord Jesus, my dear grandmother has been confined to bed as she has lost the strength in her legs and is having to spend a lot of her time in bed or sitting in a chair. Lord, this has caused her to have some really bad bedsores on her back and Lord, I know they are so painful, even though she does not complain about them.

Please Lord, I ask that You would heal them. Help us to find the right ointment so that they may be healed, and give us wisdom as we try to look after her and keep her as comfortable as possible with these nasty bedsores.

I do thank You for my grandmother who is such a gentle lady and who has been such a wonderful encouragement to me as I have been growing up. Be close to her Lord, heal her Lord I pray, and thank You for her life and witness. In Jesus' name,
