Prayer For My Grandson

Gracious God, thank You for hearing my prayer. I ask that You show Your lovingkindness to my grandchildren and keep them as the apple of Your eye. Thank You for hiding them in the shadow of Your wings and protecting them from harm.

Lord, how I love you. You are my rock and my deliverer. I pray that You will make Yourself known to my grandchildren and be the horn of their salvation. In times of trouble, please be their fortress and their deliverance.

Sovereign God, please strengthen my grandchildren as they go through tough things in this life. Help them to be strong, able to run against a troop or leap over a wall. Remind them that You are sufficient in all of their weaknesses.

Holy God, please reveal Your perfect Word to my grandchildren, beckoning their souls unto salvation. Open their ears to hear Your testimony and fill them with Your wisdom. I pray that Your statutes will give joy to their hearts. I pray that You will enlighten their eyes and teach them the fear of the Lord. Most of all, I pray that they will desire You more than anything in this world. Thank You for hearing my prayer.

Lord, please lead each of my grandchildren into a right relationship with You. Answer them from Your holy heaven and save them by Your righteous right hand. Help them to put their trust in You and not in the things of this world. Speak Your name over them and lead them to salvation in Your Son.

Father, I pray that You will meet my grandchildren right where they are, with blessings of Your goodness. I ask that You would place a crown on their headsa crown of love, peace, and salvation. I pray for long life and health for each of my grandchildren. Usher them into Your presence that they might discover fulness of joy.

Good Shepherd, I pray that You will guard and guide my sweet grandchildren. Help them to want for nothing because they have found all they need in You. Lead them down paths of righteousness for Your name's sake that they might dwell with You forever.

Heavenly Father, thank You so much for leading me and showing me how to grandparent these children. Continue to teach me Your ways that I might lead my grandkids in Your truth. I pray that all of my grandchildren will know You unto salvation and eagerly await the day when they will be received to Your side. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.