Prayer For My Granddaughter

Lord, we love You above all. Thank You for Your everlasting love. We love our daughter(s), granddaughter(s) with all our hearts, mind, and soul, with an everlasting love too. We would lay down our lives for them anytime, anyplace.

Please bless our relationship and keep our connection strong.

One day, when we're past the trials of childhood, adolescence and adulthood, we pray that we'll joyfully call ourselves the best of friends.We pray we raise daughter(s) to bring glory to God, in Your blessed name, Lord Jesus, Amen!

Lord Jesus, in their growing needs in academics, career, dating, relationships, and other matters, make Your plan apparent to them.

Give them a tender heart and a thick skin to withstand and stay resilient to the world's negativity, criticism, and judgement, yet never lose their love and hope for mankind.

Help them hear and heed Your call for them. Fill them with Your wisdom, truth, and light so their choices honor You, Lord.

If there comes a time they mess up, when they fall, when they feel helpless or discouraged, restore them with Your grace.

Let Your presence, Lord Jesus, be unmistakable. Help them embrace their weaknesses as opportunities for You to shine and bring You glory and praise.

Dear Heavenly Father, I pray ______________will not be concerned about the outward beauty that depends on fancy hairstyles, expensive jewelry, or beautiful clothes. But that she will clothe herself with the beauty of a teachable, gentle spirit, displaying pure, and godly behavior, for this is precious in Your sight.
I pray ________ will have a balanced view of beauty and charm, clothing herself with attractive and modest apparel, radiating the countenance of a godly young woman, choosing to dress in a way that pleases You.
I pray _______ will clothe herself with tenderhearted mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience, making allowances for the faults of others and forgiving those who offend her. But the most important virtue is love. Let the peace that comes from Christ rule in _______'s heart.
I pray the words of Christ will live in _______'s heart and make her wise, so whatever she says or does will be pleasing to God. Moreover, I pray _______ will grow up to be a godly woman, loving You and serving You all the days of her life.
In Jesus' name, Amen.

Help them, Lord Jesus, in an ever-changing world. This world is so filled with all kinds of dangers and impurities, lust and lewdness of flesh.

In their growing age, help them to respect their own bodies as the temple of the Holy Spirit.

Help them to recognize the voice of evil and conquer it with strength, courage, truth and obedience to You, Lord, and us as their loved ones.

Surround them with godly friends. When they are weak, let their friends be strong and build them up.

Protect them with Your angels, safeguard them and help them discern right from wrong, good versus evil. Let them stand on Your spiritual shoulders and bravely serve Your purpose in all their endeavors.

As they go through school and their academic achievements, be present daily Lord Jesus, in their hearts and guide their mind.

Help them focus on their studies and let go of all other influences that lead them towards the ways of the world.

May they, in every way, take their academic achievements seriously and be good and useful daughters towards home, society and country.

Lord Jesus Christ, we call upon Your blessed name, Lord and offer up our precious daughter(s) and granddaughter(s). As they light up the universe, may they radiate You in everything they become, far and wide over the world.

Lord, we ask You to fill them with Your love, so deep that they crave for the comfort of the presence of the Holy Spirit, over fame and attention of the world.

May they revere You, follow Your guide and Your commandments. May they set the principles of the word of God in their hearts and minds, and fear God in all things.

Father, we pray and ask that we be great parents to help them. Guide our steps so we can parent them with courage, grace, wisdom, and selfless love.

Above all, help us to guide and build in them a great love for You, their God that they would abide by Your Holy Word. Help us rejoice in the woman they're becoming and trust Your vision for them.

Heavenly Father, thank You for the beautiful gift of our children, and especially our daughter(s) and granddaughter(s). They are so beautiful and bright, so precious in our lives, and wonderful in Your sight.