Prayer For My Future Wife

Dear Jesus, please help me to be prepared to go with my future husband and to follow without worry or questioning to wherever you may lead him and whatever you may have him to do.

Whether he's a rancher, a pastor, a soldier, a missionary or anything else you choose for him to do, please prepare me to be a godly help-meet for him so that I can and encourage, and bless him as he follows wherever you may lead him. Thank you Jesus, Amen.

Dear God, I pray that you will give me patience and an attitude of grace. Please help me overlook offenses and respond graciously to conflict. Please help me to develop this pattern now rather than later. When others are bothering me, when situations are bothering me, and when I am even bothering myself, please remind me to take it all to you. Please remind me to talk with you first before confronting things.

Grant me discernment and understanding for the situations I don't know how to confront. Thank you so much for the grace you've shown me, and for being the perfect model of forgiveness and love. Please help me to keep my focus always on you. Amen.

Dear Lord, I want to unconditionally love my husband, with a full heart! I want to be his best friend, his helpful assistant, his endearing wife, and his adoring fan. I wish that everyday would be like spending a day in heaven on earth. I wish the honeymoon would last till we were old and frail. And I wish that our love for one another would not age and shrivel as our bodies do, but that it would stay young and passionate.

But Lord, I know that these are only wishes. I know that in marriage, just as in life, there will be struggles to face, battles to overcome, and tests that will need to be passed. I pray that you would strengthen my faith while I am young, Jesus. Equip me with the armor needed to go to battle and to have victory! Bless me with patience and endurance, Lord. I know that you will be by my side no matter what. When a trial comes to disrupt our marriage I pray that you would give me the understanding and wisdom that it will take to bear through it.

Thank you for teaching me Lord. Give me a spirit of humility and teach-ability as I prepare for a lifelong relationship with the husband you have chosen for me. I love you Lord! Amen.

Lord Jesus, I want to be a Titus 2 and Proverbs 31 homemaker for my future husband. I want him to be able to walk in the door of our little home after a hard day of work and be blessed and comforted by the simple pleasures that come from me being a keeper of the home!

Help me to learn how to budget our money wisely, to cook and clean well, to teach our children and bring them up in the ways of the Lord, to garden, to bake, to manage the household and support my husband and his business. Help me to learn and practice these things at home, before I am married, so that I am prepared to bless and serve my husband after my wedding. Thank you for your word and scriptures that lovingly guide me in the ways to be a good help-meet. Amen.

Father, please help me to start developing healthy habits in every area of my life. Help me to physically develop good eating, exercising, and grooming habits. Teach me how to create time habits that will carry over to help my future husband. Help me to work when I should work, but also generate good habits of rest and recreation.

Let me devote constant time to prayer and Bible study so that I can grow in your grace. Show me the areas of my life that lack self-control, and then purge them from me. Let any bad habits or selfish lifestyle patterns be removed from me.

Help me to learn how to help my future husband order our whole life to meet your priorities and not the priorities of the world. Let me exhibit moderation and self control in every area of my life so that I can best serve you and help my husband. Amen!

Lord Jesus, when I say I do, at my wedding I know that I am committing to a life of reverence and respect for my husband. Help me to recognize my husband as the leading role model in my life. Help me choose words that will only encourage him and enrich him in his walk with you, Lord.

Help me not feel that I will be leading an independent lifestyle after I am married but that I am to come under and a long side the leadership that you have given my husband as the head of our family. Help me to love and honor him, Jesus. I pray that we would always find time together as a couple, to read and pray. Let us be grounded in your Word as a married couple ought.

Thank you for giving us a model of the marriage union in your Word that we can follow and strive to exemplify. I love you, Lord! Amen.

Dear Jesus, please help me to love my future husband my whole life long unselfishly and unconditionally. May I honor and respect, bless and encourage him, and be in love only with him. May he always be my prince and my hero in my eyes.

Please help our marriage to be strong and for both of us to stay focused on worshiping and loving you. Even when things get hard or difficult in life please don't let me ever give up on my marriage to him but to see it through and trust you. I love you Jesus. Amen.

Lord Jesus, I pray that you would bless my future marriage with strength. Make us strong against the popular culture that has consumed the 21st century. Help my husband and I to be strong enough to say no to the world and yes to eternity in heaven with You! I pray that You would bless us with a wild love for one another so that we could face the world together.

Help us be a model of the Ephesians 5 marriage. Help us be good examples to our children so that they might want to do the same in their marriage and carry on the torch of un-defiled marriage union into the future generation. Let us love you and no other, Jesus.

I pray that as a future wife, I would have a desire to love you more than anyone, Lord. Ground me in Your Word of Truth and help me to fix my eyes on you. Give me a pure heart, a devoted mind, and a quiet soul. Teach me how to honor and submit to my husband in all areas of life. Thank you, Jesus! I love you. Amen.