Prayer For My Girlfriend

Dear God, keep the love of my life safe within Your arms. Help her in her work and let her feel Your Holy Presence today and always. Amen.

Every day, I thank God that you are in my life. May He be with you today in all that you do, sending you support and blessings.

Almighty God, maker of Heaven and earth I come before you today and I give You all the praise and glory.

I pray for your forgiveness upon us as we are not always perfect in the things we do every day.
I thank you for the many things You have done in our lives. I thank You for Your mercy and grace, Your teachings, I thank You for Your endless love and I thank You for Your blessings which is poured out everyday upon each and every living soul on this land.
I also thank You for the special gift you have given to us and that is the gift of sharing the love between a man and a woman.
Lord I pray that you keep my girlfriend safe, and most importantly I pray that she stops seeing other men and to be faithful to only me as I love her so much.
Please Lord help her change, and I pray for these other men to also be faithful to their wives and stop seeing my girlfriend anymore.
This my prayer to you Heavenly Father, please help me.
In Jesus mighty name I offer my prayer.

Lord I ask you to heal my relationship with my girlfriend, Grace. I have not always been the best boyfriend to her and I have wronged her in many ways. By your mercy and grace, please forgive me for all of these wrongs.

I pray to you lord to remove the mountains that stand between the both of us. I pray to you lord to allow us to gain in maturity and to find the solutions that you will make for us. I pray to you lord to soften her heart so that she can see that I truly love her with everything that I have. I pray to you to allow us to start communicating and spend time with each other once again. I pray to you to allow us to be in each other's heart and mind and to long for each other once again. I pray to you to make her realise that she misses me in my absence from her life. I pray to you lord to make the both of us not demand our own ways but to come up with a plan together that would fit the both of us. I pray to you to allow us to recognise and resist temptation. I pray to you to give me the strength and patience to wait and to have faith that all things are possible through Christ and that there is no relationship beyond you.

In jesus name I pray, Amen.

Dear Heavenly Father, my heart is sad, and at times I feel quite broken due to our fractured relationship. Lord, it seems that the pressures of life and living have taken a heavy toll on my girlfriend and me, causing this shattering breakdown in our relationship, and an almost immovable rift seems to have been erected between us.

Lord, I pray that in Your love and grace, You would restore to us a closeness with each other, in the bond of unity that You so delight in. Draw us back together I pray, and heal all our hurts we both are going through.

Lord, bring us back together again, I pray, but if it is not to be, may we both move on in our lives and may You become our strong rock and high tower. Support us through this very difficult period of our lives I pray. Thank You, that You care deeply for us both, and into Your hands I give my fractured relationship, praying Your will be done. In Jesus' name,


Heavenly Lord, I lift up my girl-friend to You today, knowing that over the past weeks and months she has been getting increasingly depressed, and it seems that this depression is getting a tight hold on her whole personality and thinking. Lord, she has changed from being relaxed and seemingly happy to becoming moody and depressed.

Father, I pray that You would search her heart to discover what is at the root of the problems, and restore to her the joy she used to have in You. Give me the wisdom to understand the problem, the compassion to help her through this difficult time, and help me to be a source of comfort and help to her. In Jesus' name I pray,


Loving Lord, You said that it is not good for a man to be alone and Lord I have been alone for a long time. Father, You know that a number of friendships have ended in disaster and Lord I want my life to be completely given to You, for I love You Lord. Lord, I come to You empty-handed and pray that You would bring a special girl into my life, as my heart yearns for someone with whom I can share my life.

Help me to be patient in waiting and not to grow weary of seeking Your face in this matter. Father, I pray that You would bring a girl into my life that loves You with all of her heart. Place Your hand of blessing on her at this very moment I pray, and may she be a woman after Your own heart.

Lord, I know that nothing is impossible with You, but Lord, I also ask in humility of heart that Your will be done in my life. Lord, give me the grace to trust You in all things, and the peace to live a life that is pleasing to You. In Jesus' name I pray,


Loving Heavenly Father, how I praise and thank You for bringing this wonderful girl into my life. Thank You Lord, for all that You have been teaching me as I have be waiting for this special moment.

Thank You, Father, for her love for You, and even though I have had to wait for so a long time, I praise You for answering this heart-prayer of mine in Your own perfect timing. Thank You that You have drawn me ever closer to Yourself during the time of waiting.

Bless our relationship and draw us ever closer to each other and to You. And may we learn to seek You together about our future. In Jesus' name I pray,
