Prayer For My Future Spouse

Dear Heavenly Father:

It is my sincere prayer that You continue to prepare and equip me to be the supportive wife that my future husband will need. I pray that You equip me with and further develop a heightened spirit of grace, class, and elegance to carry my future husbands vision.

I pray that I have the patience to handle everything that comes along with his vision, purpose, calling and assignments. I pray for supernatural strength to help him give birth in every area of his life. I pray that my mouth is worded with the right things to say in encouragement to support him and his dreams. I pray for the proper amount of grace to handle his vision with care and not destroy it with the foolishness of my flesh.

Lord, continue to prepare and develop the man youve set aside for me as You continue to prepare me to be the wife Im called to be and the wife hell need during his life journey to complete his work here on earth for your Kingdom. Lord, let the words of my mouth and mediations of my heart be acceptable unto You and fruitful toward the man You have set aside for me. Lord, create in me a clean heart and renew within me a right spirit. Lord, remove all residues of baggage, un-forgiveness and hurt from my life.

Prepare me OLord to be ready for war and to get in the enemys camp to stand in the gap for my future husband. Lord stir up the gifts youve given him. Supply this man with the provision he needs to make plain the vision youve given him. Lord fill him with the word of God. Cover him now with your precious blood and send forth your angels to watch over his soul. Meet him at his appointed needs. Be his comforter, provider, healer, peace, love and joy. Increase his longsuffering with others and clothe him with self-control. Give him rest in his spirit and body when he needs it to recharge for the missions youve purposed for him to complete. Let his light so shine among men, especially those who dont know you. Lord I pray that no good thing will be held from him ALL the days of his life. Lord I pray that his seed will be blessed and prosperous in all their ways.

Lord I pray that he will be wise and of sound mind every day that he lives. I pray that the effects of old age will not take root. I pray that his mind remain sharp and his limbs limber. I pray he always remain young at heart.I call every symptom of disease to never take root in his body.

I pray for wealth to flow to him through the exercising of his gifts. I pray that his steps remain ordered, in the name of Jesus! I pray holy boldness over him as he leads our future family in the ways and things of Christ. Give him a heart of never ending expectancy. Give him a zeal that burns like fire. I pray that his heart for You be contagious to others. I pray that he goes to the ends of the earth and win souls for your Kingdom!

Lord, strengthen me to be watchful of every side of my future husband. Lord let me be his extra set of eyes and ears. Lord let me be a tender pulse to every beat of his heart. Strengthen me to keep him covered in prayer. Prepare me to protect and nurture his heart and not cause him any harm. Give me the heart to serve and follow him as he follows after Christ! Finally, I pray every decision he makes lines up with Your will for his life

In Jesus Name I pray, Amen!

Lord, I thank You that You will answer my prayers in Your perfect timing. Reveal what is in my heart, and make me ready to handle the answer in the right way when it comes. Help me to pray by faith consistently and long-term, to believe, wait, and then move forward in Your timing. Help me to be patient in prayer, not give up, and trust You even during moments when I feel negative emotions. I don't want to live by feelings but by faith. Help me not to take matters in my own hands. I choose to trust you, and I refuse to believe the lies of the enemy. I choose to be faithful in prayer (Colossians 4:2). Deepen my understanding, and give me a greater knowledge of what You are doing in my life. I choose to hold unswervingly to the hope that I profess (Hebrews 10:23). Stretch my faith in the midst of the wait, just as You did with Your disciples when encountering a storm at sea (Matthew 8:23-27). I thank You that You have all wisdom and will answer my prayers in the perfect way. In Jesus' name, amen.

Dear God,
I am so grateful for Your love and kindness in my life. I am so thankful that You truly do have the answers to lasting love. Please help me to align my perspective toward guys with Yours. Help me to desperately long for a man who fears the Lord. Help me to see the priceless value in a man who does. And I ask that You make me that kind of woman. Make me a woman who fears You and loves You with all that I am. Please give me patience as I wait for my future husband. Help me to be faithful and productive in this season. I love You and am so grateful for Your love for me.
In Jesus' name, amen.

Dear God, please help my future husband to love your word, the Bible. Help him to study and learn from it every day. Guide him and give him wisdom when he reads so that he will be able to teach and guide our family someday. Help him to be meditating on it all the time and to not just hear it, but be doing what you tell him to be doing in it as well. Thank you Jesus. Amen.

Dear God, please give my future husband strength and wisdom today. Please give him the strength to face the temptations the world lays constantly before him. Help him in his battles and struggles, and please let him know you're beside him at all times. Help him grow stronger in you every day. Please grant him wisdom in his decisions in life right now. In everything, please let him pursue wisdom from you. Also, please let him have a wonderful day today.
Thank you so much for everything you've done, are doing, and will do in his life.