Prayer For Focus And Calmness

Loving Lord, we are the Body of Christ and we are the Church of God and as You told us in Your Word, we are facing increasing difficulties in our lives today, and much animosity towards the things of God. But Father, we know that our help is in You, for You alone are the Rock upon which we stand, and You are the Hope of our salvation. Keep our hearts focussed on You, and our eyes fixed on our Savour, Jesus Christ.

Help us Lord, to remain strong in the faith with our hearts focussed on the truth of Your Word. Keep us strong in the Lord and in the power of His might and may we put on the whole armour of God as we face an increasingly hostile world. Lord, it is only as we remain in You and our hearts are centred upon the Lord Jesus, will we gain victory over the world, the flesh and the devil.

We praise You that Christ won the spiritual victory on the cross. Keep Your Church ever focussed on that truth, and help us never to forget that what we suffer in the world today is nothing compared with the glory soon to be revealed to us. In Jesus' name,


Dear Father God, I pray today that I will yield myself completely to You, so that You may use me in whatever way You choose. I pray that You will provide me opportunities to demonstrate to others, both in word and in deed, how much You mean to me.

Give me wisdom to know what to say, and the sensitivity to speak the truth in love. I pray that I may be bold enough to proclaim the gospel of Christ clearly and truthfully, and I ask that many seeds may be planted through my actions and attitude as well as my words.

Thank You, Father, for sending the Lord Jesus to be my Saviour. May I never lose focus of the amazing grace that caused Christ to die for my sins on Calvary's cross, and may I never tire of sharing this beautiful truth with whomever You place in my path. This I ask in Jesus' name,


Dear Lord, thank You for my new life in Christ and the many privileges that I have in Him. Thank You, that You are my Father. Thank You, that I am accepted in the Beloved. Thank You, that my citizenship is in heaven and thank You that, my eternal life is eternally secure and assured forever, through the glorious death and resurrection of my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
Help me Father, to maintain my spiritual focus on You, knowing that all too often I find that my thoughts are enticed away from You by the attractions of this world, while at other times I find myself questioning all that is going on in the world and wondering why there are so many distressing situations and so many heart-breaking difficulties that people inevitably have to endure. Help me not to lose my spiritual focus on You, knowing that You have an eternal perspective and that Your plans and purposes are working towards their final and glorious conclusion.
Keep my heart from worldly pursuits and also help me not to become discouraged or worried when we hear of the problems and pain of others, even though my heart may be breaking. I know that all of our times are in Your hands and You have promised to right all wrongs, in Your own time and Your own way. Help me rather, to be able to share the truth of the gospel with whomever You place in my path, and may I lift up the name of Jesus not only in what I say but in how I live. In Jesus' name I pray,

Heavenly Father, I pray today that my spirit may be yielded to You completely and that throughout the day my focus will remain on You.
Lord, I thank You that Your strength is made perfect in my weakness and that as I depend upon You in thought, word and deed, You in Your grace, supply all my needs according to Your riches in glory.
Thank You, that in Your I have the strength I need to face the day, the wisdom I need to inform my choice and the grace I need to live godly in Christ Jesus, no matter what difficulties or problems may manifest themselves.
Lord, I know that without You I can do nothing, but I praise and thank You that I can do all things through Christ, Who gives me the strength. Praise His holy name.

God grant me and my business partner/client the wisdom, the inspiration, the motivation, The right direction, and the resources To succeed in during this time of business issues or obstacles that we are facing to overcome in our business venture. Our intent is stay humble, focus on you & to receive guidance to help save this situation.

Help me stay focused on my goals And to reap honest rewards for the benefit of all. Thank You, God, for all your mercy and kind assistance. In Jesus mighty name, Amen!

Heavenly Father, I ask that you be in my heart like a drumbeat that keeps the time. I ask that you be a strong wind of change within my spirit and a cascading waterfall within my soul. Be within my thoughts like a candle brightening the dark. I pray that you will light my spirit in fire with your love and guide all that I think, do and say. Bring my entire being to you so that I may be your instrument in everything that I do. Amen.

Dear Lord, you are my guidance in life. I follow your voice wherever you go and try to walk in your path. On every journey, you provide me with help as you reign supreme in my heart. You are the compass that leads me to the right path. Even when the path is dimly lit, your truth lights the way. You are the lighthouse that guides me out of the storm. Because of you, I do not fear being dashed upon the rocky shores of life. I pray that you continue to give me wisdom and clarity in all that I do. Amen.

Loving Lord, I thank You for my life and give You grateful praise for Your great goodness and abundant mercy, which is new every morning. Thank You, that You are a gracious and faithful Father, even during those times when I stray far from You or when I allow the anxieties of life to steal away my peace and rob me of my joy in the Lord.
I pray that Your perfect peace would guard my heart and that You would provide me with a quiet focus and calm tranquillity within my soul. Guard my mind and guide my thoughts I pray, and prevent me from worrying about what may or may not happen, instead of keeping the eyes of my heart focussed upon Jesus and my ears ever open to His leading and guidance.
Give me strength to face all the eventualities of life in the sure knowledge, that Your grace is sufficient for all my needs. Help me to keep my eyes looking to Jesus in a calm and quiet confidence, knowing that He is the author and finisher of my faith. This I ask in His precious name,