Prayer For Conflict Resolution

Lord, thank you for my precious family. Thank you for your protection and love towards us. Heavenly Father, the enemy's hand is against this family. We no longer approach family matters with humility. God, fight for us. Help us to be humble not just towards you and others but even when we are interacting with each other. Even though we might not agree all the time, help us to be humble ourselves and listen to each other even when we have differing views. In Jesus' name, I believe and pray, Amen.

Lord, I pray now for my marriage. Thank you God for my spouse. Thank you for your love for him/her, and for our marriage. Thank you that you are a champion of marriage and you want to see our marriage last. Lord, forgive me so often I put myself first, and push you and my spouse to the backburner. Help me prioritize our marriage. Help me fight for it when it's hard, and to enjoy it when it's going well. Help me encourage and support my spouse in all she/he has going on. Help me Lord! I know that without your guidance and support I would stumble and fall. Help us put you first, and strengthen our resolve to work through the hardest parts of marriage. In your name I pray, Amen.

Heavenly Father, our hearts are troubled because of the heated exchanges that we have been having as a family. We have turned against each other instead of fighting for our family. Lord remove anger and strife from our midst for where there is strife there is every evil work. Shut every evil door that we have opened for the enemy to come into this family and control us. Still our hearts with your peace and help us to operate in the peace of Christ that surpasses all understanding. In Jesus' name, we believe and pray, Amen.

Dear Lord, it is hard to be kind to your family when they are mean to you. But being unkind only makes the situation worse. Lord, let your spirit help us to resolve the issues that we have among ourselves. As we meet and discuss our differences help us to show kindness to one another just the way Jesus was kind to sinners. Remove pride from our hearts and help us to see each other as children of God who are dearly loved and forgiven by our heavenly Father. In Jesus' name, we believe and pray, Amen.

Dear Lord Jesus, you say in your word that those who labor and are heavy-laden should come to you and you give them rest. Jesus, I come to you with this burden that I've been carrying for a long time. There are so many unresolved issues in our family, but no one is willing to resolve them. We are all pretending that everything is fine, but in reality, we are no longer close the way we used to be as a family. Bring healing into our hearts. Let every hurt, pain and bad memories be washed away with your blood. Cleanse us from resentment and bitterness and help us to love one another just the way you love us. We pray this trusting and believing in your holy name, Amen.

Dear Heavenly Father,

Your word teaches us everything we need to know for godliness. We praise You, that you prepare us and show us how to resolve conflict, how to confront one another and spur each other on toward righteousness. You are faithful God, and you equip us to obey and honor You. Lord there can be many conflicts on a college campus as young adults are experiencing freedoms and responsibilities as never before. The need to confront and resolve conflict in a biblical way that preserves relationships and is a beneficial witness as your followers is so important at this crucial time in their lives.

Father give wisdom to your Church on this campus. Through your Holy Spirit help them to understand your biblical answers for when to confront: when someone is in danger (Proverbs 24:11-12), when a relationship is threatened (Philippians 4:2-3), when division exists within a group (Romans 14:19), when someone sins against you (Matthew 18:15), when you are offended (Ephesians 4:2-3), when someone is caught in sin (Ezekiel 3:18), when others are offended (Galatians 2:11-13). Give them confidence to confront to honor You, not out of their own justice, but out of obedience to You. Give them wisdom to know the difference. Help these students be peacemakers, while they stand firmly on your precepts without wavering.

Father, let mercy, forgiveness and restoration stem from resolving conflict in ways that honor you.Let this campus be known for devotion to Christ that leads to brotherly love and accountability. Father through your Holy Spirit, bring unity to campus organizations, faculty, students and employees that there may not be discord even when there is disagreement. Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit. (Proverbs 18:21) Keep the enemy from bringing confusion that separates and suspicion that destroys relationships. Let there be peace, Lord, as your people humble themselves, pray and seek your counsel to confront conflicts in their classes, homes, dorms and this campus.

Thank you that Your plans for us include encouraging one another to build fellowship. Brothers, If someone is caught in a sin, you who are spiritual should restore him gently. But, watch yourself, or you also may be tempted. (Galatians 6:1) Thank you for your great love and your kindness to us. Thank you for the clear direction we find in Your word that shows us the way we should go, confront, resolve, forgive and love. Lord, let us, this campus, and these students, spread the truth of Your Gospel through our words and actions throughout this campus. Let us be quick to listen and slow to speak. But, let us not fail to speak Father, when You prompt us. Thank you for allowing us to be in a country where we may still speak and confront. Thank you for your Son, who came to set us free from sin and death, and for Your Holy Spirit that reminds us what Jesus taught us, and show us the way we should go.

Let these students heed His prompting.

We pray this prayer in Jesus' name. Amen!

I am losing the people that I love as these arguments and conflicts arise. Help me to be at peace with everyone at home, at school and even on my job.

Grant me the patience to hold my tongue, give me tranquility in my soul but most of all give me strength to overcome this.

Heavenly Father, who we love, I lift Your name over all the earth. Father, lately I have found myself in a place that I do not want to be in. Anger, hatred and bitterness is causing me to lash out at the people around me and especially at my dear loved ones.

I am on edge at every point, the slightest gesture upsets me. I cannot continue on like this, Oh Father, please hear my cry.