Prayer For Confused Mind

Lord I pray you open the eyes of my understanding that you give me real wisdom. Help me not to fall into a spiritual slumber but rather to remain alert and watchful, knowing that the days are evil. Thank You Lord that I am your blood-bought child and that nothing can separate me from Your love and give me the grace I pray to stand fast until the day of Christ Jesus, in Whose name I pray. Amen

Father God, in this world of conflict and confusion, my mind is torn apart by questions and doubts that steal my sleep at night and rob me of my peace during the day. But you are my light, the One who lights my flickering candle and keeps it burning. You know all the darkest corners of my soul, the things I try to hide even from myself, and you love me as I am. The stench of my sins did not drive you away from me, but you filled my heart with a strong desire to be healed and a deep longing for you.

That's why I come before you today and I pray with all my heart: show me the way out of this labyrinth, don't let go of my hand, so that even if I walk through a dark tunnel, I can still feel the warm touch of your hand guiding me. You are the light that gave light to my eyes, the love that gave love to my soul. In you I lack nothing, in you nothing can harm me, in you my victory is complete. Bring me to you and keep me by your heart.

Father, I know I am weak. My weakness is my pain and my torment. I can feel it every day, it's like a poison coming from inside and I am so weary of fighting it. But I am yours and that is my only consolation, the thought that gives me rest and strength to carry on. I am yours and to you I pray: Father, take care of what is yours. Take this burden off my shoulders, don't let me carry it alone.

I have put my soul in your hands, keep it safe. Release me from the grip of my own mind, protect me from my own destructive thoughts. I cannot do it without your help. You have walked this way of thorns yourself and you have carried the cross until the end. Help me do the same and never forsake me. You alone know what lies ahead. Remain in me, so that I can overcome the world and taste the joy you have prepared for your beloved.

In the name of our beloved Jesus Christ.


Father I do not want to be swept into the world's way of thinking and pray that You would give me increasing and ongoing clarity of thought in every area of my life in Jesus Christ Name.

Dear Lord, forgive my every act of rebellion and disobedience to your word Lord use your blood to purge every form of negative emotions and feelings in my life in Jesus name

Almighty God, We bless you for our lives,
we give you praise for your abundant mercy and grace
we receive. We thank you for your faithfulness even
though we are not that faithful to you.
Lord Jesus, we ask you to give us all around
peace in our mind, body, soul and spirit.
We want you to heal and remove everything that is
causing stress, grief, and sorrow in our lives.

Please guide our path through life and make our
enemies be at peace with us. Let your peace reign in our family,
at our place of work, businesses and everything we lay our hands on.

Let your angels of peace go ahead of us when we go out
and stay by our side when we return. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Father in Heaven,

I come before you today with my mind swirling with different thoughts and feelings. I have a hard decision make and I just don't know what to do. I feel helpless and confused. I'm worried about the consequences to my decision. I worry about the impact my decision will have not only on myself but on others as well. To be honest, I fear making the wrong decision.

Your word tells me that if I seek after wisdom you will provide it. So I am seeking you, the source and fountain of wisdom. You've written everything you want me to know if the pages of your book, The Bible. I pray that as I read your word, it would shape my wants and desires and longings. I pray that it would impress on me what matters most to you. I pray that as I consider the decision before me, that I would remember what your word teaches about your sovereignty and control over all things.

You know this problem before me. You know how it turns out. That's because you are the Alpha and the Omega. You know the end from the beginning. Nothing happens apart from your will and plan. Not only are you sovereign, but you are good. All your plans are holy, righteous, and good. I can trust that you know what is best for me. When I move forward with this decision, I know that it is your will and that you will use it for my good and your glory.

Forgive me for getting caught up in wanting to know the future and how everything turns out. Forgive me for treating you like a "magic 8 ball." Forgive me for fearing the future and for waiting around in the hopes that the answer will be written on the wall. Help me to rest and trust in who you are. Help me to look to Jesus, knowing that if you gave of your own Son to save me from sin, how will you not also be with me in all the challenges and decisions of my life? There is nothing and no one that can separate me from you; I have nothing to fear.

You are my Rock, my Savior, and my Deliverer. Be with me as I move forward in this time of confusion and difficulty. Above all, may your will be done on earth, and in my life, as it is in heaven.

In Jesus' Name I pray, Amen.

Dear Saint Jude I am very confused if I will renew my contract to my employer for a reason that they will not grant my request to be transferred with my husband in one place.

I still don't find job after this so I don't know what to do. Please enlighten me saint Jude and please guide us always for our love with each other will last for lifetime. Thank you saint Jude!

Dear Lord, I desire to be clear-minded in a time when deceit and deception floods into our minds from so many quarters, and so I pray that I would learn to take every though captive, so that I may not be tossed about by the many winds of doctrines that can cause such confusion in our minds, and distort the truth of Your Word.
Father, I do not want to be swept into the world's way of thinking, and pray that You would give me increasing and ongoing clarity of thought in my home, my work and in the general activities of life as well as my special times of devotion, payer and fellowship meetings with other believers.
Open the eyes of my understanding I pray, and give me real wisdom. Help me not to fall into a spiritual slumber but rather to remain alert and watchful, knowing that the days are evil. Thank You, Lord, that I am Your blood-bought child and that nothing can separate me from Your love. Give me the grace I pray, to stand fast until the day of Christ Jesus, in Whose name I pray,