Prayer For Confused Relationship

Dear heavenly Father, what a great Scripture with which to begin (and continue) this day. I praise you for the free, full, and perpetual access we enjoy with you, all because you've declared us to be perfectly righteous in Jesus. And I praise you that as we come seeking wisdom, we're kissed by your welcome and inundated with your generosity.

Indeed, Father, I need your wisdom about a few matters that confuse me, all of them having to do with relationships. I need you to show me the difference between a costly investment in people's lives, versus co-dependent entanglement and enmeshment. I know that loving wellas Jesus loves us, always requires more than we'd easily give, but I'm not always sure what that looks like.

I need wisdom for knowing the difference between rightly validating the emotions of those I love versus wrongly taking responsibility for their emotions. My broken default mode is to try to fix people; but I know you're not calling me to fix anyone, but to love everyone. Grant me wisdom, dear Father; grant me wisdom.

I need wisdom, Father, about my own emotional world. The emotion of anger has always confused and threatened me. Help me to know when the anger I feel is nothing more than my selfishness on display. Help me to know when to express appropriate anger in ways consistent with the gospel. Help me to listen and understand the emotion of anger in others, and not rush to judgment or rush out of their story too fast.

Father, just praying this prayer stirs up many other thoughts and feelings inside my heart. My joy is in knowing that we can keep this conversation going throughout the day. My great joy is in knowing that you will give us the wisdom we need, and you will do so generously. My even greater joy comes from resting in the gift of your Son, Jesuswho has become for us wisdom from Godthat is, our righteousness, holiness and redemption. (1 Cor. 1:30) So very Amen I pray, in his mighty and merciful name.

I am lost. I need Your guidance in my life. Through all of my relationship troubles I know You have kept a close eye on me and helped me through it all. Right now, I ask You for another favor and to be done at Your own will.

I am lost and confused. The guy I am with may be unfaithful to me and I am never treated and respected as I should be. I know I deserve more, and I know You are trying to help me understand I need to move on. But God, I need just a little more help. I am drowning in my own thoughts and I can not seem to catch my breath.

I am broken and I need Your touch. I trust in You, my Lord, to guide me to make the right decision and get my life back together wether my man be in it or out. I trust in You God, to lead me to great things.

I trust in You to help me with all of my confusion and heartbreak. Thank you for listening as always God.

I love you.

Heavenly Father, please forgive me of my sinsincluding those I have committed against my loved one. And just as you are willing to forgive me, help me to forgive my partner, as well.

Help me to let go of my grudges. Help me to let go of the possibility of revenge. Let the cycle of retribution stop in my relationshiplet it be ended with forgiveness and love.

Help us to be Christlike in our forgiveness, Lord, and give us the strength to let go.

In Christs' Name, Amen.

Lord, I take comfort in the fact that you know all things. My relationship is struggling, and I don't know what to do. Please reveal to me the things that I, or my partner, can do better in order for our relationship to please you.

And if it's time to end the relationship, please help me to see and accept this. Open my eyes to any abuse that I may be suffering, and give me the strength to escape it. If my partner is hiding something from me, let it come to light so that I can make an informed decision.

In Jesus' Name, amen."

Lord, my relationship has become difficult. There is fighting and unease. There's tension and resentment. I feel that I have nowhere to turn.

Please let there be peace between my partner and I. Grant us the kind of peace that only you can give, Lord, and help us to feel at ease with one another. Drain away any resentment, anger, or tension that has built up between us. Help us to seek compromise rather than struggling with one another in order to win.

Please bless our home to be a place of peace and restfulness, as it should be.

Thank you, Father. Amen.

Lord, grant us both a greater understanding of one another, and take away the preconceived notions and assumptions that are keeping us from truly communicating. Bring my partner and I closer together, and closer to you, than ever before.

In Jesus' name I pray, amen.

Dear heavenly Father, what a great Scripture with which to begin (and continue) this day. I praise you for the free, full, and perpetual access we enjoy with you, all because you've declared us to be perfectly righteous in Jesus. And I praise you that as we come seeking wisdom, we're kissed by your welcome and inundated with your generosity.

Indeed, Father, I need your wisdom about a few matters that confuse me, all of them having to do with relationships. I need you to show me the difference between a costly investment in people's lives, versus co-dependent entanglement and enmeshment. I know that loving wellas Jesus loves us, always requires more than we'd easily give, but I'm not always sure what that looks like.

I need wisdom for knowing the difference between rightly validating the emotions of those I love versus wrongly taking responsibility for their emotions. My broken default mode is to try to fix people; but I know you're not calling me to fix anyone, but to love everyone. Grant me wisdom, dear Father; grant me wisdom.

I need wisdom, Father, about my own emotional world. The emotion of anger has always confused and threatened me. Help me to know when the anger I feel is nothing more than my selfishness on display. Help me to know when to express appropriate anger in ways consistent with the gospel. Help me to listen and understand the emotion of anger in others, and not rush to judgment or rush out of their story too fast.

Father, just praying this prayer stirs up many other thoughts and feelings inside my heart. My joy is in knowing that we can keep this conversation going throughout the day. My great joy is in knowing that you will give us the wisdom we need, and you will do so generously. My even greater joy comes from resting in the gift of your Son, Jesuswho has become for us wisdom from Godthat is, our righteousness, holiness and redemption. (1 Cor. 1:30) So very Amen I pray, in his mighty and merciful name.

Dear Lord,

I am lost. I need Your guidance in my life. Through all of my relationship troubles I know You have kept a close eye on me and helped me through it all. Right now, I ask You for another favor and to be done at Your own will.

I am lost and confused. The guy I am with may be unfaithful to me and I am never treated and respected as I should be. I know I deserve more, and I know You are trying to help me understand I need to move on. But God, I need just a little more help. I am drowning in my own thoughts and I can not seem to catch my breath.

I am broken and I need Your touch. I trust in You, my Lord, to guide me to make the right decision and get my life back together wether my man be in it or out. I trust in You God, to lead me to great things.

I trust in You to help me with all of my confusion and heartbreak. Thank you for listening as always God.

I love you.