Prayer For Conflict At Work

Lord Jesus, those of us in other countries rely on the courage and
determination of the journalists who report on the violence in n to hear the
story of the conflict unfold. We thank you deeply for the bravery they display
in exposing injustice and suffering;
Jesus, bring protection where there is insecurity.
Lord Jesus, thank you that there is a voice in n to tell us about the conflict, and
thank you that the violence has come to international attention; we pray that
those countries with influence (such as n) will take on the responsibility of
trying to shape a possible course to peace with wisdom and compassion;
Jesus, where there seems to be no path to peace, bring creativity and
All those present are now invited to offer particular intercessions for the
current situation in n.
Space for group prayers and/or silence
Dear Jesus, we bring these prayers to you in full knowledge of the limitations
of our understanding about the conflict in n and the people involved. We ask
that you would bless us with humility as we continue to seek ways to pray for
situations such as this, which seem so bleak and desperate. Bless us also with
compassion, Lord, and above all the hope that comes from your presence even
in the darkest of times. For if we pray in faith and hope then we know that
through you, all things are possible.
Loving Jesus, we offer you our hearts in hope and praise. Amen.

God of transformation, we thank you that you are our guide on the journey towards
understanding ourselves. And we thank you that this journey does not end with us, but
enables us to engage lovingly and creatively in praying for others. As we continue in
prayer for ?the? conflict ?in n?, grant us the grace to remember what we hold in
common with those involved: the desire for safety, for belonging and for love. Draw our
prayers from the deep well of compassion which you supply, and bless this time shared
together with your transforming power.
In the name of Christ our Reconciler, amen.

Jesus, your command to go and be reconciled is difficult. I ask for you to both strengthen me with your might and soften my heart to hear from your Spirit. Amen.

Gracious God, thank you for the gift of peace I have with you through Christ. Through you may my relationships become more peaceful and healthy. As a recipient of your peace, I have been called to be a peacemaker. Help me to embrace this calling. Give me eyes to see, not only obvious conflict, but also that which lies beneath the surface. May I use every opportunity you put before me to work for genuine peace. Amen.Gracious God, thank you for the gift of peace I have with you through Christ. Through you may my relationships become more peaceful and healthy. As a recipient of your peace, I have been called to be a peacemaker. Help me to embrace this calling. Give me eyes to see, not only obvious conflict, but also that which lies beneath the surface. May I use every opportunity you put before me to work for genuine peace. Amen.

Heavenly Father, who we love, I lift Your name over all the earth. Father, lately I have found myself in a place that I do not want to be in. Anger, hatred and bitterness is causing me to lash out at the people around me and especially at my dear loved ones.

I am on edge at every point, the slightest gesture upsets me. I cannot continue on like this, Oh Father, please hear my cry.

Proverbs 17:27 He who has knowledge spares his words, and a man of understanding is of a calm spirit.

Psalms 46:1 God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.

Father God,

I need your supply of love,healing and guidance as I face problems and conflicts on my job. I ask for the removal of negativity,adversities and nonsense in my workplace. I need your divine intervention,wisdom and grace- so I may be understood and understanding with everyone I work with. I ask for your clarity and positivity in all my career orineted affairs. Thank you for loving me and annointing me with your favor and blessings- I am grateful to have a job, knowing any and all conflicts are already resolved,in Jesus's name Amen.

Dear Father,

Thank you that you are with me. Thank you that your Holy Spirit is working in my life to bring Kingdom blessings to the earth. I come before you with the difficulties I am experiencing with my manager. I lay before you the stress that it creates for me, and the tensions that I am aware of. Please give me great wisdom, strength and grace at this time. Help me to respect my boss, but also not to be mistreated. Give me wisdom as I seek to negotiate, to stand my ground, and to remain respectful of my work colleagues.

At this time, I choose to lean on you Lord, for in you I find strength and grace.


Abba Father,

Lord you know me and you love me. You hold everything together by your power and your grace. So I lay before you this difficult situation that I face. I trust that you will give me the strength and the wisdom I need to work these things through. I give you the job that I do, the responsibilities I have and the decisions I need to make. Come Lord, use me to bring peace, blessing and reconciliation in my workplace.

In the name of Jesus,
