Prayer For Witnessing

Anyone who believes in him will never be put to shame. 12 For there is no difference between Jew and Gentilethe same Lord is Lord of all and richly blesses all who call on him, 13 for, Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.

If you declare with your mouth, Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.

O, most Glorious Savior, I pray that you would open a door for me today an opportunity to share your Glorious Gospel with an unbeliever or a word of encouragement and exhortation with one of Your wounded lambs. I pray also that You would give me understanding and enable me to speak in the way that You would have me to that I might, by your grace and through the power of Your Holy Spirit, make clear the wondrous mystery of Christ and Him crucified, buried, risen, ascended, and seated at Your right hand soon to return in the clouds with power and great glory.

Help me, dear Lord, to conduct myself with wisdom toward all men especially unbelievers. And let me make the most of every opportunity that You give me to witness and proclaim the Good News of Your salvation faithfully, fervently, and completelyleaving nothing unsaid that You want said. Give me grace, to speak with humbleness and compassion. Boldness, to declare Your Word fearlessly, with all confidence. And knowledge, to know how I should respond to any questions Your people may have. In the precious, Holy name of Christ my Savior, I prayAmen.

Father, I ask you to help me keep an attitude of thankfulness. Forgive me for every time I've taken Your blessings for granted every time I've abused Your grace. Let me be ever grateful for the abundant mercy You've shown me. You are worthy of all praise, glory, and honor. O, God, let me be like the one leper (out of the ten) who returned to give thanks to his Healer.

Dear God,
Teach me, without question, to relish in your mystery.
Teach me to let go of the need to know.
Marry me to awe-filled acceptance of what is.
Let the possible and the impossible be two sides of the same coin that no longer has any value.
Show me the fountain wherein I can toss this coin and never think on it again.
And as I'm walking away from that fountain, plunge me into the ocean,
no matter its form, and let me,
like the fish, the dolphins and the stingrays
just BE.

Lord, help me to devote myself to prayer. To pray without ceasing. To be diligent and vigilant in the holy place of prayer. Help me to be alert, as a watchman should, that I might see any hint of the works of the flesh in me, my loved ones, and my brothers and sisters in Christ that I will be able to spot the weak areas where the enemy will attack and build a wall of defense in advance. Through prayer, preparing for coming battles; faithfully and courageously fighting current battlesall the while, fortifying any cracks and repairing any damages that already exist.

Father, I ask you to help me keep an attitude of thankfulness. Forgive me for every time I've taken Your blessings for granted every time I've abused Your grace. Let me be ever grateful for the abundant mercy You've shown me. You are worthy of all praise, glory, and honor. O, God, let me be like the one leper (out of the ten) who returned to give thanks to his Healer.

O, most Glorious Savior, I pray that you would open a door for me today an opportunity to share your Glorious Gospel with an unbeliever or a word of encouragement and exhortation with one of Your wounded lambs. I pray also that You would give me understanding and enable me to speak in the way that You would have me to that I might, by your grace and through the power of Your Holy Spirit, make clear the wondrous mystery of Christ and Him crucified, buried, risen, ascended, and seated at Your right hand soon to return in the clouds with power and great glory.

Help me, dear Lord, to conduct myself with wisdom toward all men especially unbelievers. And let me make the most of every opportunity that You give me to witness and proclaim the Good News of Your salvation faithfully, fervently, and completelyleaving nothing unsaid that You want said. Give me grace, to speak with humbleness and compassion. Boldness, to declare Your Word fearlessly, with all confidence. And knowledge, to know how I should respond to any questions Your people may have. In the precious, Holy name of Christ my Savior, I prayAmen.

Heavenly Father, we gather together and come into agreement in the wonderful and powerful Name of Jesus Christ.

Where two or more are gathered there You'll be in the midst of us and anything we agree upon as touching You will surely do.

Father in Jesus Name, there is no distance in the spirit and we thank You for the listener who desires a prayer for witness and sowing the seed of the Gospel.Lord there is so much power in the Gospel. You said that Your Word is like a seed and that seed has amazing power within it to create abundant fruit.

Whether it's a large group or just one person, the listener recognizes that witnessing is important on all levels.

Forgive them Lord if they have ever looked at a group or individual as not worth witnessing to and sowing the precious seed of the Gospel.

In Jesus Name prepare them now Father for their next divine encounter.

Glory to Your Name!

Whether they'll be sowing a seed or reaping a harvest, they'll be ready because You live in them!Together in prayer we recognize that the seed they sow into a person's heart has tremendous power to produce abundant fruit that can bring about changing the world.Please give them greater revelation that every single time they share Your Word a seed is planted in that person's heart and mind.

That seed has the power to dramatically change their life, family, friends and so much more!

We decree and declare that every person they reach and gets saved has the potential of taking the Good News even further, thus creating a larger harvest for You Father!


Gracious and merciful God,
we pray that through the Holy Spirit
all Catholics may hear the call of the New Evangelization
and seek a deeper relationship with your Son, Jesus.

We pray
that the New Evangelization
will renew the Church,
inspiring all Catholics to go forth and make disciples of all nations
and transform society through the power of the Gospel.

We pray
for all members of the Church,
that we heed the words of Christ
do not be afraid
and strengthened by the Holy Spirit's gift of courage,
give witness to the Gospel
and share our faith with others.

We pray
that we may become
like the father of the prodigal son
filled with compassion
for our missing brothers and sisters
and run to embrace them upon their return.

We pray
that all people
yearning to know Christ
and the Church
may encounter him through the faithful
who witness to his love in their lives.

Loving God, our Father,
strengthen us
to become witnesses
to the saving grace of your Son,
Jesus, our Lord,
who lives and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.
