Prayer For Valentines Day

I said a Valentine prayer for you
And asked the Lord above
To fill your heart and bless your soul
With the precious gift of love.

I asked Him for sincere love
The kind that's meant to stay
Just like the generous love
You give to those you touch each day.

I prayed for love from family
And from every cherished friend
Then I asked the Lord to give you
His love that knows no end.

Praise to the One whose love stirs the ancient embers
Sparks the breath of prayer

Praise to the One whose love entices the wandering
Beckons the confused

Praise to the One whose love grows wings on the weary
Dreams hope in the discouraged

Praise to the One whose love soothes with the ointment of mercy
Transforms with the touch of compassion

Praise to the One whose love threads the energy of friendship
Stitches the strength of fidelity

Praise to the One whose love tickles the soul with laughter
Urges the heart toward joy

Praise to the one whose love embraces the untamed
Dances with the passionate

All praise to this Gracious One
All gratitude to this Beloved
All love to this Mentor of Friendship
All devotion to this Shaper of Hearts.

May my love for you
always reflect God's love.

May your goodness always
reflect God's goodness.

May the Holy Spirit unite us,
and may Mary keep us
close to her immaculate heart.

May every blessing from heaven
be yours always.


Dearest heavenly Father,

I want to thank you for the precious gift of love that you have given to the world and to me. Thank you for blessing me with this love and the strength that I get from you every single day. Without your love for me I can't be.I can't function.I can't even breathebecause I NEED your love to sustain me. It's like food and medicine for my soul Lord.

Please continue to let me feel your comforting love in my life and Lord I give myself over to you to perfect in me this gift of lovethat I may be able to express it and share it with others. LordI have not always been good at thisforgive me. Father Godsome people are harder to love than othersbut I want to be like your Son Jesusso please continue the work you are doing in my life so that my heart will be like yours. In Jesus name I pray.

God I love you so much and Father Happy Valentine's day! From me your child. XOXO

Dearest Heavenly Father, I want to thank you for the precious gift of love you have given to the world and to me. Thank you for blessing me every day with this love and the power and strength that I get from you every single day. Without your love for me I can't be.I can't function.I can't even breathebecause I NEED your love to sustain me. It's like food and medicine for my soul Lord.

Please continue to let me feel your comforting love in my life and Lord I give myself over to you to perfect in me this gift of lovethat I may be able to express it and share it with others. LordI have not always been good at thisforgive me. Lordsome people are harder to love than othersbut I want to be like your Son Jesusso please continue the work you are doing in my heart so my heart will be like yours. In Jesus name I pray. Father, I love you so much!

I said a Valentine prayer for you and asked the Lord above to fill your heart and bless your soul With the precious gift of love. I asked Him for sincere love The kind that's meant to stay Just like the generous love You give to those you touch each day. I prayed for love from family And from every cherished friend Then I asked the Lord to give you His love that knows no end.

This Valentine's Day Oh, Lord, we pray for all couples that they may have lasting love for each other.

Grant then the wisdom to realize that true love is not given to them on a silver platter, but it is something that they should constantly struggle to work hard for.

Bestow your generosity and love so that their expression of their love is also the expression of your love.

Give them your spirit so that they would have the patience to tolerate each other's shortcomings.

Bless also those who are alone this Valentine's Day. Enlighten them so that they would know that they should rejoice too because you are there for them as well.

Bless all people so that they will show love this Valentine's Day no matter what race, creed or color they maybe. This we ask in the mighty name of our Lord, Jesus Christ.

Dearest Heavenly Father,
I want to thank you for the precious gift of love you have given to the world and to me. Thank you for blessing me every day with this love and the power and strength that I get from you every single day. Without your love for me I can't be....I can't function....I can't even breathe...because I NEED your love to sustain me. It's like food and medicine for my soul Lord.
Please continue to let me feel your comforting love in my life and Lord I give myself over to you to perfect in me this gift of love...that I may be able to express it and share it with others. Lord...I have not always been good at this...forgive me. Lord...some people are harder to love than others...but I want to be like your Son please continue the work you are doing in my heart so my heart will be like yours. In Jesus name I pray.
Father I love you so much!