Prayer For Vengeance

Help me, Father. I can't bear this alone.
I lay it at Your feet, casting all my burdens on You, and I'm believing You to sustain me. Please bless me and reward me for the persecution I've been through. Give me the Kingdom of Heaven according to Your Word.

Thank You, Father. Thank You for always watching over Your Word to perform it. Thank You for hearing and answering my prayer, for I pray according to Your Word. I give You all the glory, and I thank You for comforting and healing me.

In Jesus' name. Amen.

Father God, I lift up my enemies to You. Your Word says we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the evil one. Father, remove every evil influence from my enemies. Bring them into holiness, godliness, righteousness, and purity in every way. Convict them of their sin for the sake of Jesus, and glorify Your own name in them.

Lord, Your Word says (Psalm 37:15) that the sword of the wicked shall enter their own heart, and their bows shall be broken. So remove their swords and arrows from my back and from my heart, O God, and let their swords and the Sword of Your Word enter their own heart in a good and holy way, as only You can do, and let their bows be broken. Heal every wound in my body, in my soul, and in my spirit that they have inflicted, Lord; and convict them for the sake of Jesus

Father, for every place I've been dishonored, stick up for me personally. I call on You, Holy Spirit, as my Attorney, Paraclete, Helper, Advocate, Standby, and Defender. Jesus, I call on You as my Righteousness and my Intercessor. Get me justice from my adversaries, and save me from those who have risen up against me.

Father, I ask that for every curse that's been spoken against me, for every foul thing that's been said about me, every evil thing that's been plotted against me, You would turn it around and work it out for my good.

Father, for every place that I have been abandoned, I ask that You would show Yourself to still be with me; that Your glory would be my rearguard, my front-guard, my guard on every side.

For every place I've ever been despised or forsaken, I ask that You would come in and help me to know that I'm cherished by You. Help me to feel Your love and watchcare over me.

For every place I've been betrayed, Abba, I pray: show Yourself more loyal to me, and more faithful, than I've ever seen before. Help me to see Your loyalty and Your faithfulness manifest in my life in tangible ways.

For every place I've been hurt, show Yourself to me to be my Healer and Healing.

Father, I need healing for my heart right now. I need Your help, too. So Abba Father, right now, I'm going to cast all my cares on You. I'm choosing not to be anxious, but instead, in everythingwith prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, I choose to make my requests known to You.

And Father, I ask in Jesus' name that, according to Your promise, Your peace which passes all understanding would guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus. Let Your peace settle over me like a blanket, Father, and I pray that the Holy Spirit would comfort me. Thank You, Abba.

Father God, in Jesus' name, I thank You today for hearing my prayer. Thank You for seeing all things that concern me and my life, and thank You for always taking care of me.