Prayer For Unrequited Love

Most holy apostle St. Jude, faithful servant and friend of Jesus, the name of the traitor who delivered your beloved Master into the hands of His enemies has caused you to be forgotten by many. But the Church honors and invokes you universally as the patron of hopeless casesof things despaired of. Pray for me who feels so hopeless. Make use, I implore you, of that particular privilege accorded to you of bringing visible and speedy help where help is almost despaired of. Come to my assistance in this great need, that I may receive the consolations and succor of heaven in all my necessities, tribulations and sufferings, in particular BeLikeMary), and that I may bless God with you and all the elect throughout eternity. I promise you, O Blessed St. Jude, to be ever mindful of this great favor, and I will never cease to honor you as my special and powerful patron, and to do all in my power to encourage devotion to you. Amen.

Gracious and merciful Father, please come to her assistance.

Our Father, who art in Heaven, hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread,
and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.

Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death.

Glory Be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.
As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end.

God of all comfort,
you know the pain of broken relationships.
Many of your own followers left you
at the time of greatest need.
You know what sin has done to us.
That is why you came to save us,
at such a great cost to yourself on the Cross.

Grant comfort to your servant [insert name],
who is smarting from rejection.
Give him patience in his grieve
and wisdom for other relationships,
through your life-giving Spirit
and in Jesus' holy name.

Dear Lord,

Here I am again, sobbing and drowning in my own tears. I have asked myself a hundred times why this is happening. Why I have fallen for the person who has and always gave meaning to everything that I do. I breathed for this person who made me believe that is is ok to love even if I am hurting. He made me believe that it is ok to suffer for the sake of our relationship. I though he shared my feelings. I thought he really loved me. But now I realized that this was just all about him and his own happiness.

Lord, I feel so alone now. I feel like there are no more tears to shed. Lord, I am lost because, all the while, I focused on trying to make this relationship work, I focused on what will make this last. I never realized that I should have focused on the one that I should have truly loved, and that is you Lord. You have loved me unconditionally and when the time I though I was all by myself, I realized that was the time you took me in your arms and said It's all right. I will take care of you. Lord, thank you for never giving up on me. Thank you for making me realize that it's You I should hold on to and not the memories I had with the person who took and broke my heart.

Lord, I pray for strength to carry this burden of unrequited love. I pray for understanding so I wouldn't have to ask why anymore. I pray for peace in my heart because you know how much I am hurting right now. I have found my comfort in you Lord, in your promise, in your undeserved kindness and grace. Fill me Lord with your love that I may hurt no more. You are my strength in my weakness, You are my light in my darkness and You are my hope when I am lost in my emotions.

Thank you Lord for being my savior. I surrender everything that I am to your loving grace. In Jesus mighty name, AMEN.

Father, forgive me

And give me the courage to forgive the people who have caused me so much hurt and rejection.

Give me also the humility to even forgive myself for fallimg into this deep trap.

Jesus, heal all that is broken within me. I can't do this anymore. I can't bear this heartache anymore. Will You nail these pains on the cross for me? Declare me dead from this pain. Declare me alive in Your love and redemption.

There are thoughts within me that I cannot yet express into words right now. But I believe that Your Holy Spirit intercedes for me in all my groanings.

My soul waits on You, God. I long to see the light of the day.

Keep me in Your palm, Father. Embrace me with Your love, Jesus. I don't want to be alone again tonight.

Until we get through this, Jesus, You alone are my hope and refuge.

In Jesus' Name, amen!

God of all comfort,
you know the pain of broken relationships.
Many of your own followers left you
at the time of greatest need.
You know what sin has done to us.
That is why you came to save us,
at such a great cost to yourself on the Cross.

Grant comfort to your servant [insert name],
who is smarting from rejection.
Give him patience in his grieve
and wisdom for other relationships,
through your life-giving Spirit
and in Jesus' holy name.

Dear Lord,

Here I am again, sobbing and drowning in my own tears. I have asked myself a hundred times why this is happening. Why I have fallen for the person who has and always gave meaning to everything that I do. I breathed for this person who made me believe that is is ok to love even if I am hurting. He made me believe that it is ok to suffer for the sake of our relationship. I though he shared my feelings. I thought he really loved me. But now I realized that this was just all about him and his own happiness.

Lord, I feel so alone now. I feel like there are no more tears to shed. Lord, I am lost because, all the while, I focused on trying to make this relationship work, I focused on what will make this last. I never realized that I should have focused on the one that I should have truly loved, and that is you Lord. You have loved me unconditionally and when the time I though I was all by myself, I realized that was the time you took me in your arms and said It's all right. I will take care of you. Lord, thank you for never giving up on me. Thank you for making me realize that it's You I should hold on to and not the memories I had with the person who took and broke my heart.

Lord, I pray for strength to carry this burden of unrequited love. I pray for understanding so I wouldn't have to ask why anymore. I pray for peace in my heart because you know how much I am hurting right now. I have found my comfort in you Lord, in your promise, in your undeserved kindness and grace. Fill me Lord with your love that I may hurt no more. You are my strength in my weakness, You are my light in my darkness and You are my hope when I am lost in my emotions.

Thank you Lord for being my savior. I surrender everything that I am to your loving grace. In Jesus mighty name, AMEN.


I can't even start my conversation with you. I want to say that my heart is rejoicing but I don't see the point of pretending before You.

I know that even before I persuaded myself to write this prayer to You, You already knew the words I kept in my heart all those long years. You knew very well how every part of me hurts right nowlike every nerve in my body is aching and revolting with pain that demands to be noticed.

I can't get past these heavy and drowning feeling of being rejected over and over again. I can't see the value of the long time I have spent in loving someone but ending up not being loved in return.

Does this kind of wound ever heal? When will this hurting end? Because if there is a cure, I will desperately sell everything I have just to have it.

Am I ugly, Lord? Am I not worth pursuing? Am I not loved?

I desire to be well again, Lord. I don't know where to start, how to even begin picking up the broken pieces of myself. I have sold myself completely into the illusion that all that I feel is the truth.

But even my own heart deceived me. It has kept me tucked in this tightly woven fabric of misery, hopelessness and idolatry. I have made a man my idol. I have made the idea of myself loving a person much to be my god. I have let my emotions and unchecked desires rule and control me. And now, all my sins backfired against me.

I am left alone, desperate and broken beyond repair.

Father, forgive me

And give me the courage to forgive the people who have caused me so much hurt and rejection.

Give me also the humility to even forgive myself for fallimg into this deep trap.

Jesus, heal all that is broken within me. I can't do this anymore. I can't bear this heartache anymore. Will You nail these pains on the cross for me? Declare me dead from this pain. Declare me alive in Your love and redemption.

There are thoughts within me that I cannot yet express into words right now. But I believe that Your Holy Spirit intercedes for me in all my groanings.

My soul waits on You, God. I long to see the light of the day.

Keep me in Your palm, Father. Embrace me with Your love, Jesus. I don't want to be alone again tonight.

Until we get through this, Jesus, You alone are my hope and refuge.

In Jesus' Name, amen!