Prayer For Unsaved Husband

Dear Heavenly Father,

We lift up husbands today, specifically ones who do not have a personal relationship with You. We intercede for them and ask that You would reveal Yourself to them in great, miraculous ways! We pray that they acknowledge and confess Your Son Jesus as Lord and Savior of their lives! We pray that they would surrender their lives to You, find their identity in You, and assume the responsibility You have given them as leader of the home! Please Lord, help them see the truth. May their wives continue to pray in faith for their husband's salvation. Help these women to endure, especially when hope seems dim! Use these wives to bless their husbands and to be an example of Your love to them. Reconcile these husbands hearts to You in Jesus' name AMEN!

Although I sometimes find it hard to be tolerant, Lord, help me today to appreciate the good things about my husband, and to respect his views even if I cannot agree with them. Help me to become more like Jesus."

Father God, once again I come to you for guidance and help. It is my desire to have a husband who fears You, who walk in Your ways.

Help my husband to see the truth of Your Word. Open up the eyes of his heart. Remove from him a heart of stone and replace it with a heart of flesh. I pray for your Holy Spirit to work on him on his life.

Give him a sound mind and help him to be faithful to his marriage vows. Create in him a clean heart and renew a right spirit within him.

I pray that he will shun the very thought of evil, impurity, pornography, adultery, perversion, unfaithfulness from his mind.

Help him to take charge of his spirit and to resist temptation. May he abhor evil and cling to what is good.

I pray that he will choose Godly friends and Godly counsels that can influence him in positive ways. Let him not be a man who is unteachable, Father.

Surround him with Godly friends, I pray.

I pray he can be a good and positive example for his young children. I pray that he can learn self control and be a father that is worthy of respect from his family. As he go out to provide for his family, I pray that you surround him with favor.

I pray that you protect him from the devise of the wicked.

Open up doors of opportunity for him Father and increase his working skills to be better in each passing day.

Take foolishness out of his heart and enable him to quickly recognize error and avoid it.

Open his eyes to clearly see the consequences of any negative behavior.

Instruct him as he is sleeping and in the morning may his path follow Your guidance instead of his flesh. The wisdom of this world is foolishness to You Lord. May he not buy into it.

Keep him as the apple of Your eye. Hide Him under the shadow of your wings. (Psalm 17:8) Amen.

Dear Lord Jesus, I did not realise the significance of getting married to an unbeliever until we started to have a family. I am so sad that teaching our children about the Creation and Salvation and even the significance of Israel and the falling economy that we are currently hearing about in the news today, is beyond my husbands understanding. But Lord, I desire to bring my children up in the fear of the Lord, and I ache to have my husband involved in teaching them the truths of Scripture.

Lord, I don't know how, but Lord, I ask that in a wonderful way You would bring my unsaved husband to a saving faith in Jesus, so that together we may bring up our children to know and trust the Lord. Soften my husband's heart towards the things of God I pray, and I ask that You also protect the hearts and minds of the children from some of the unbiblical views that he has on creation and heaven, which conflict with so much Christian truth.

Forgive me Lord, for being unwise in my choice of marriage partner, but I ask that in Your grace, You would draw by dear husband to trust in Jesus - soon Lord I pray - but Your will and timing be done, not mine. In Jesus' name I pray,


Dear Lord, have mercy on my unsaved husband. I pray that he will come to full and free salvation. Have mercy on him Lord, and draw him to Yourself with Your cords of love, I pray. Help him to see the destructive nature of sin, and I pray that he will repent and turn to the cross of Christ.

Give me patience to wait for Your best timing and wisdom so that I know when to speak and when to remain silent about You. Thank You that it is not your will that my husband would perish, and I pray that Your will be done in his life. I ask this in the name of Jesus,


Loving Heavenly Father, thank You for saving me, thank You for Jesus. Thank You, for dying for me on the cross and for bringing me into Your family. I love You Lord, and long that my own dear husband would also come to faith in You.

Father, my husband is so disinterested in anything to do with Jesus and being saved. He does not understand the terrible consequences of dying in his sins and of not having Jesus as his Saviour. He thinks it is cute that I am a saved cutie' as he calls it, and is quite happy for me to go to church. But Lord, it disturbs me that he is so disinterested.

Convict him, Lord, of his sin and his need for a Saviour. Convict him of the terrible consequences of falling under God's wrath. Lord, I pray that You would turn his heart to the Lord Jesus and Father, I know that it is a dangerous prayer to pray, but Lord, please do WHATEVER it takes draw my husband into Your arms of forgiveness. In Jesus' name I pray,


Dear God, neither my husband nor I were saved when we were first married and things were pretty good between us. But now Father God, I have become born again and become a new Christian, a new creation in Christ, and it is causing strife between us.

It grieves me Father, that the love we once shared has become so sour, simply because I have started to trust in the Lord Jesus as my Saviour. My husband thinks I am soppy and is not interested in anything I say about Jesus, and is starting to get quite angry about it.

Please help me Lord. Help me to be strong and help me to grow in my faith and not to give up. Help me to somehow tell my husband of the good news of the gospel of grace. I want him to know that the Lord Christ died for his sins and took the punishment that he deserved, and that He rose again on the third day and broke the power of death in the lives of believers. The gospel is so wonderful and I just long that he comes to faith too.

Please Lord, I know that nothing is impossible for You to do, and I ask that you show my husband the truth. I pray that one day soon he will be saved, like me. I pray this in Jesus' name,
