Prayer For Unsaved Family Members

Jesus Christ, You laid down your life on the cross so that our sins are forgiven. You endured so much pain and humiliation so that we have eternal life. I pray that my loved ones, who have not yet received the gift of eternal life, get to understand your word and know how selfless you are. Open their eyes to see the love you have for them. Weaken their dependence on their power and let them look up to you. Lead them to you. Amen.

Lord, My heart bleeds for my loved ones. They are entangled by sin. Their hearts are hardened. They take your love for granted. As our light and our salvation, Lord, save them. Let them understand that with you, they should not fear anyone, for you are with them. Make them open up to knowing you. Draw them close to you that they may experience your peace which surpasses human understanding. Let your Holy Spirit guide all their ways. Amen.

Lord in heaven, I bring my loved ones before you. Deliver them from the captivity of the devil. Let their ears be receptive of your word. Let your word, which is an inspiration from you, make them realize what is wrong in their lives, correct them when they are wrong, and teach them to do what is right. Forgive them their sins and cleanse them with the mighty blood of your son, Jesus. Be their savior. Amen.

Mighty God, I come before you bearing the burden of the sins of my loved ones. I pray that they may get to know you and know how great you are. Deliver them from the hands of Satan, who has blinded them from seeing the light of the Good News. Open their eyes to see your goodness. Open their minds to understand your sacrifice of your son, Jesus Christ. Save them. Amen.

Loving Father, I humble before you, asking for your help in bringing my unsaved loved ones to you. They are caught up in the world of sin. Soften their hearts to understand that you've paid the full price for their sins by sacrificing your only son. All they have to do is accept the gift of your forgiveness. Let them give up their worldly pleasures and seek your kingdom first. Let everything they do bring glory to you. Hold their hands to salvation. Amen.

Lord, please send laborers from variety of sources across _____'s path. Let him/her see you wherever he/she goes, so much so that he/she cannot escape you!

Lord, I ask you to turn and soften _____'s heart. Put a new spirit in him/her. Take out _____'s stony, stubborn heart and give him/her a tender, responsive heart.

"Father, We are asking You to send laborers across their path, laborers who are equipped with the Word of God about salvation, the Baptism in the Holy Spirit, healing and deliverance. Send laborers who can communicate effectively with them so Your Word can reach their heart."

Father, we come before You in prayer and in faith, believing. Your Word says that You desire all to be saved and come into the knowledge of the truth, so we bring our loved ones before You
now. 2 Peter 3:9

We bind up the power of Satan and his assignments & activities in their lives in the Name of Jesus. Now, while Satan is bound, I ask that You send forth the perfect laborers to share the good news of the gospel in such a way that they will listen and nderstand it. As the truth is ministered, we believe you will open their eyes to the gospel and they will come out of the snare of the devil and make Jesus Lord. Matthew 18:18, 9:37-38; 2 Timothy 2:26

Father, I ask that You fill them with the knowledge of Your will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding. As we intercede in their behalf, we believe that the power of the Holy Spirit is activated, and from this moment on, we shall praise and thank You for their salvation. We are confident that You are alert and active, watching over Your Word to perform it. It will not return to You void. It will accomplish that which You please and prosper in the thing whereto it was sent. Jeremiah 1:12; Isaiah 55:11

Therefore, our confession of faith is, "God has begun a good work in their life and He will perform it and bring it to full completion until the day of Jesus Christ, in Jesus' Name." Philippians 1:6