Prayer For Unborn Child

Creator and Sustainer, I thank you for what you are doing in me. Your word says that every perfect gift comes from above. Thank you for creating this beautiful baby that is growing in my womb. Lord, you have already scheduled the days that this child will be in this world while it is still being knit in my womb. That is amazing, dear God. Lord, I pray that this perfect gift may continue developing in my womb without any complications. Be a shield around my unborn child that he or she may develop fully. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.

God of Blessings, I pray that the fruit of my womb is blessed. May he or she be always at the top and never at the bottom. Let this child be a source of joy and comfort to other people and us. Lord, may your countenance always shine upon this child. May grace and peace always follow him or her. Let my child find favor with you and man, and may he or she walk with wise people only. In the name of Jesus, I pray. Amen.

God, my Fortress, I am so grateful for keeping my unborn child, and I safe all through the pregnancy season. Let your hand of grace be upon this child as he or she comes into the world. Lord, send your angels to go before us into the delivery room. May they shield the child and me from any manner of danger. May the doctors and nurses that will be helping me to bring this child into the world be filled with the Holy Ghost. Grant them wisdom so that they can ensure our safety. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.

Lord of Unfailing Love, you are the true definition of love. You gave yourself up for us while we were yet sinners. Lord, let this child that you are knitting in my womb come to know the love of Christ on a deeper level. Show us ways in which we can demonstrate the love of Christ to him or her. May we be a practical example of what unconditional love is to this unborn child by the way we talk, treat others, and live. In Jesus' name, I pray, Amen.

God of Enduring Faithfulness, my unborn child is about to be brought into a world where people have their hearts on so many things but you. I am afraid that he or she may go after the pleasures of this world instead of trusting you. Help me to teach this child how to trust and live according to your word. Remove things that may draw his or her heart to other things that don't bring glory to your holy name. Let this child put his or her hope in you only. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.

Sovereign Lord, you are mighty to praise. You created man so that he can worship and serve you. May this unborn child serve you with his or her whole heart from childhood. May my child do the things that align with your plan for the glory and honor of your holy name. Father, I pray against any evil plan from the camp of the enemy that may cause my unborn child not to serve you diligently when he or she grows up. God, let this child be a blessing to everyone he or she serves. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.

Jesus, my Savior, you have blessed this family beyond measure by giving us this child that is developing in my womb. Father, I want to say thank you. Thank you for granting me the desire of my heart, just like you did for Hannah. Thank you for removing shame in this family. May your name be glorified forever, for you have replaced our tears and humiliation with joy, thanksgiving, and admiration. Let this child be a reminder of your goodness and mercy to us. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.

Dear God, You know the ongoing difficulties that I have had with my pregnancy - morning sickness and other ailments that seem to have shadowed this pregnancy from the moment that I conceived.

I know that there is pain and problems that are connected with the joy of having a baby, and I don't want it to appear that all I am doing complaining of feeling ill - when my heart is rejoicing that I am carrying this precious little life within me.

I ask that You would prevent me from having any more complications and illnesses as the time passes and give me the grace and strength I pray, to carry this baby to full term - with a spirit of joy and thanksgiving.

Your joy is indeed my strength and I claim this wonderful promise today - praying that You will support and strengthen me until that wonderful day when I hold my little baby in my arms. Thank You