Prayer For Unborn Twins

Praise Your name and thank You Father for the little baby that is about to be born. Lord we pray that you would protect this little infant that is being knit together in his mother's womb and we pray Lord that You would undertake for a safe delivery at the right time.

Thank You that You know every intimate detail of this little life and we pray that by Your grace You would open the best path for this little one to take. May this baby grow up to know and love the Lord Jesus, which will make him wise unto salvation.. as did the young Timothy who was taught the holy Scriptures at the knee of his mother and grandmother.

We pray Your protection and grace for this little baby who is shortly to take his place in the world and ask that he may grow in wisdom and understanding finding grace and favor with man and God.

Guard and protect both mother and child as the day for delivery draws ever closer and keep them from all the perils and dangers of this life looking to Jesus in Whom is life and light and help and wholeness. We ask this in Jesus name,


Heavenly Father I pray that right now you are working a miracle in my body, I ask Lord in your name that you will Bless my family with the Twins. Lord you know the desires of our hearts. You know the disappointment and the loss we have endured. Lord by your Grace and Mercy I ask that right now at this very moment your are working a miracle in my body.I Thank you Lord that in a few weeks we will rejoice in your name at the news of our pregnancy.I also pray for solid attachment of my baby to the uterine wall. I Pray that my womb and body will be healthy and that I will carry my babies to grow perfectly week by week. I plead the blood of Jesus as a hedge of protection around my womb protecting my babies from all harm.

I am redeemed from Miscarriage, therefore i command my body in Jesus name to come in line with the word of God.
I prounounce in Jesus name that I am in the process of conception.
In Jesus Holey Might Name.

Please Lord, in your name, bless my son and daughter-in-laws unborn twins. Recent tests indicate there may be congenital issues with Baby A. They were so excited to be blessed with twins. Please bless the babies so when they are born in August they are healthy.

Please keep mom and dad strong and other family members strong during this stressful time.

I ask everyone to pray for them and their unborn babies so they are healthy.

Prayer warriors I need prayer for my unborn twins I'm carrying! I am high risk and need prayer to get them here safe with me and me to have a safe pregnancy I am 12 weeks pregnant and have a long road ahead but with God and my prayer warriors I know this is possible I! In Jesus' name Amen!

Heavenly Father, how I praise and thank You for the little baby that is growing in secret, inside of me. Lord, this is such a wonderful miracle and I give thanks and praise for what You have done in me.

Lord, we truly are fearfully and wonderfully made and to realise that You have scheduled every day of our precious baby's life already is a wonderful thought. I pray Lord, that You would protect this little one as he or she is being prepared to be born into the world. Place Your hand of blessing upon them and I pray that they will grow up to know and love You, Lord Jesus.

Prepare me too Lord for parenthood, and give me wisdom and grace as I get ready for the day when a new little life will be born into the world. Thank You for giving me the privilege of being the parent of this little baby. In Jesus' name,


In the name of the Lord Jesus I bring my unborn child to You Lord and thank You for this gift of grace that has been granted to me. Lord You have heard my prayers as you did Hannah in the bible and have granted me the privilege of bringing a new little life into the world. I pray that my pregnancy may be free of complications and that my little baby will be born perfectly healthy and complete.

Lord I pray that your hand of grace would be on this child not only in the womb but once he is born. May he come to know and love You Lord and grow into a strong and healthy little child who comes to know the Lord Jesus as his Savior.

Father I thank and praise You for all the great things that you have done for me and for all the things as yet unknown that You have in store for us all. Lord I love you and stand in awe of the wonderful miracle of life that is growing inside of me and lift up my hands to praise Your glorious name,

Heavenly Lord You are the author of life and we pray Your blessing and protection over this little life that is developing in its mother's womb. We pray that you would grant an uncomplicated pregnancy and a healthy birth and we bless You for the beauty of new life.

Guard and protect the mother and fill her heart with longing and expectation as it draws closer to her time of delivery and instill in her a sense of wonder and awe at the miracle of life that is being formed within her body.

Give grace we pray to the father, who by Your favor has fathered this child. Grant him strength, wisdom and the courage to engage in all godly responsibilities toward his family. May he lead his family into the path of righteousness becoming a genuine example of man of God.

Draw near to each one and may this little life that is soon to take up his or her position within the home and family be nurtured in the things of God and come to trust the Lord Jesus as Lord and Savior, in Whose name we pray,


Heavenly Father, how we praise and thank You for the little baby that is growing in secret, inside of me. Lord this is such a wonderful miracle and I give thanks and praise for what You have done in me.

Lord we truly are fearfully and wonderfully made and to realize that You have scheduled every day of our precious baby's life already is a wonderful thought. I pray Lord that You would protect this little one as he or she is being prepared to be born into the world. Place Your hand of blessing upon them and I pray that they will grow up to know and love You Lord Jesus.

Prepare me too Lord for parenthood and give me wisdom and grace as I get ready for the day when a new little life will be born into the world. Thank You for giving me the privilege of being the parent of this little baby, in Jesus,
