Prayer For Uncertainty

Lord, we pray for our resilient disciple makers. We lift them up in prayer as they come to the end of a season. As Paul exhorted Timothy, we pray for them to continue to be ready in and out of season. We pray for their spirit to be awake and alert as the cultural onslaught continues to batter away at them and the children they minister to daily. We pray for them as they endure suffering. This world has many troubles; but You, Father, have overcome them. As our leaders live a life chasing after You in this already, but not yet space give them mercy and grace in their daily suffering. Lord, help them continue to be faithful with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Help them fulfill their ministry as they boldly and bravely share the Good News with everyone in their reach of ministry. Lord, help each leader finish well and also begin a new thing in each of them. Thank You, Jesus, for teaching us what it means to be a servant-leader! And I thank You for all of Your servants that suffer and toil for the sake of You and Your Kingdom!

Heavenly Father, may this passage be true of me, of us. May we fully love as You have fully loved. May our hearts gravitate toward Your goodness and not evil or destructive things. May we love and honor others before ourselves. May they love everyone, always as You do. Help them to never lose their spiritual fervor to serve You above everything. May their time with You and in Your Word be the fuel for this passion. May those around them see You more and more clearly as they serve You with all of their heart.

Holy God,
who created us for and from love,
in this time of social distancing,
hold us close in your arms.
Comfort those who are afraid,
enliven those who are bored,
give courage to those who are distressed,
and warm those who feel the cold touch of loneliness.
Breathe in, with and through us
as we walk through uncertainty into a new future
knowing that you are with us now and await us there.
In the name of Christ the Beloved we pray.

Father in Heaven,

I come before you with my stomach twisted in knots. My heart is pounding, my head hurts, and I can't find any rest.

I open my computer and all I read is bad news. The discussions, debates, articles, and arguments all join together like a loud clanging that I can't escape. The future seems bleak and dark. I'm worried for myself and my family. I fear what the future holds. I wonder what life will be like for my children and my grandchildren.

Then I think about the struggles in my particular life and I can't catch my breath. What will we do if jobs are lost? What will we do if relationships aren't restored? What about the challenges with our children? What about the call from the doctor about the tests? What if the worst happens? What if

I come before you as the psalmist did, weary, worn, and frightened. I come before you because you are King and you rule all things. I come before you because you are my Father, my Abba. You adopted me as your child and have given me every privilege that comes with being a part of your family. I come before you because you are my Savior. You alone can rescue me from fear, sin, temptation, and all evil. I come before you because you are my Provider, Jehovah Jireh. You created all things and own all things. All I have comes to me from your generous hands. I come before you because you are my Redeemer. You alone can redeem and restore all that is broken in my life and in the world around me.

Forgive me for turning my gaze from you and looking at the frightening things happening around me. Forgive me for forgetting that you are with me. Forgive me for not trusting. Forgive me for not crying out to you sooner but trying to conquer my fears in my own strength. Forgive me for not living in complete dependence upon you.

Father, hear the deepest cries of my heart. Rule and reign over your Kingdom, turn the hearts of kings, and may your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Raise up godly leaders, teachers, pastors, and people who love you and your Word. Use your people to spread your gospel across the earth. May we be the salt and light you instructed us to be.

In my life Lord, give me a peace that passes all understanding. Though I don't know what will happen with all that troubles me this day, help me to trust you. Help me to remember that you are not surprised. Help me to remember that nothing will happen today that takes you off guard. You are not asleep or too busy but are actively involved in all the cares of my life. Help me to wait and watch for your glory. Help me to obey and do the right thing in the moment, knowing you are there in all the moments to come.

Most of all, help me to remember Jesus, the One who cried out in the garden on the night he was betrayed, Abba, Father, all things are possible for you. Remove this cup from me. Yet not what I will, but what you will (Mark 13:46). I thank you that "for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God" (Hebrews 12:2). Even now, he intercedes for mewhat a marvelous truth!

I pray all this in the name of Jesus, Amen.

Dear Lord,

I come to you now humbled and in awe of your infinite mercy and love. Your blessings come without condition, and you are quick to forgive us for our weakness and shortcomings. All you do for us you do out of love, which you bestow upon us unconditionally. Lord, I find myself in a difficult place of uncertainty, not knowing what is to come in the future, how to plan, or how to prepare. Lord, only you know the answers. Only you know what is in store for me. Help me to trust you with my whole being and build my strength as I accept your grace. Help my faith to grow, and help me to accept whatever path you have put me on, so that I may find comfort in the fact that no matter what happens, I am right where you want me to be. Please take away my anxiety and stress and replace them with peace and comfort that only you can provide. Help me to always come to you when I fall short, whether it be from stress or doubt, and to avoid the advice of the world and what human logic would have me to do. Help me always to see clearly; To see the world in the way that you would have me to see it, and never question what I find, knowing that you showed it to me. Give me hope for the future and confidence that I will make you proud, and one day come home.

Dear Heavenly Father,

Lord, we thank you that you are the God of refuge. You are mighty, powerful, righteous, and true. Today, we come to you in prayer asking for your love, protection, and provision.

We know you are the one true source of hope.

Please be a place of refuge and a constant presence of love and support for all those experiencing fear, anxiety, and loneliness. Please care for the physical needs of those who are struggling to provide for their families. Bring peace and healing to those who have lost loved ones or are dealing with life-threatening illnesses.

Please help us come to you for hope and guidance during times of uncertainty. It's through your grace that we can continue to serve one another in your name no matter the circumstance. We ask for your peace in place of our anxiety.

We pray these things in your heavenly name.


Oh gracious Lord,

Thank you for warmly inviting me to approach your throne of grace in my time of need (Heb. 4:16), and for your divine ability to quiet me by your love (Zeph. 3:17). Though my future may feel uncertain, I take heart knowing that you are unchanging, everlasting, all-powerful, all-knowing, and reigning over all creation. You are the same yesterday, today, and forever (Heb. 13:8).

Heavenly Father, please remind me that you are not a God of confusion but of peace (1 Cor. 14:33). You already know everything that I need (Matt. 6:32), therefore, I have no reason to fear the uncertainty of my future and circumstances! Please keep me in perfect peace as I set my trust in you (Is. 26:3).

Jesus, as you desired not your own will but the Father's will (Matt. 26:39; Mark 14:36; Luke 22:42), so let me follow your example in my circumstances. I'm so quick to think that I have to control everything around me, and I'm also quick to think I need to be perfect. Lord, remind me that you do not call me to perfection, but to dependency on you.

May I remember your words: I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world (John 16:33). What a soothing word to my soul, merciful Savior! Because you overcame sin, death, and the world, I too can claim victory!

Oh Spirit of truth, declare to me the things that are to come (John 16:13). For the sake of your name, please lead me and guide me (Ps. 31:3). Direct my footsteps according to your word; let no sin rule over me (Ps. 119:133). I need your truth, not the world's.

It is my heart's desire to fully trust you, and I don't want to lean on my own understanding. Oh Father, make my paths straight (Prov. 3:5-6). Give me understanding that I may live (Ps. 119:144). I want the wisdom that comes from heaven: a pure, peace-loving, considerate, submissive, merciful, good, impartial, and sincere wisdom (James 3:17). Thank you for generously giving wisdom when your children approach and ask you (James 1:5).

Thank you for being an almighty, good, sufficient, grace-giving Lord. I will cling to you, my Rock, my Fortress, my Deliverer (2 Sam. 2:22). I release all my burdens at your feet, entrusting them to your tender care. I will not be shaken (Ps. 62:6)!

It is in your beloved Son's mighty name that I ask these things. Amen.

Dear merciful Lord,

Things seem unclear. I'm not sure where I stand, or if the decisions I make are correct. Too many thoughts swirl around and confuse me.

The enemy brings uncertainty and fear to my heart.

Stand up for me Lord. Fight for me. Cast away the darkness.

Show me your will. Bring me clarity and peace.

Even if I cannot have all the answers, I know the one who does.

Your Spirit created the universe. Your Spirit brought Jesus back from the dead.

Let your Spirit, Lord, bring me certainty. The certainty that you will never leave me, you will always lead me, and that I belong to you.

In Jesus name,
