Prayer For Unborn Grandchild

Heavenly Father, how I praise you for the gift of motherhood! Thank you for entrusting me with the care and nurture of a child for the time period you've ordained. Please keep me eve mindful that this precious child is not mine he is yours, and you've charged me with a sacred task. Thank you that you will equip me to fulfill this high calling, as I abide in Christ and walk in Your grace. In Jesus Christ's name I pray, Amen.

Sovereign Lord, you are mighty to praise. You created man so that he can worship and serve you. May this unborn child serve you with his or her whole heart from childhood. May my child do the things that align with your plan for the glory and honor of your holy name. Father, I pray against any evil plan from the camp of the enemy that may cause my unborn child not to serve you diligently when he or she grows up. God, let this child be a blessing to everyone he or she serves. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.

All-Powerful Father, I bring my unborn child before your throne of grace today. I come against any manner of sickness and diseases being planned against us. Lord, protect us against any schemes of the devil that may cause me to lose my unborn child through miscarriage. Hide him or her under your wings so that he or she can develop to maturity in my womb. Thank you for answering my prayer. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.

Jesus, my Savior, you have blessed this family beyond measure by giving us this child that is developing in my womb. Father, I want to say thank you. Thank you for granting me the desire of my heart, just like you did for Hannah. Thank you for removing shame in this family. May your name be glorified forever, for you have replaced our tears and humiliation with joy, thanksgiving, and admiration. Let this child be a reminder of your goodness and mercy to us. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.

Oh, my Lord, you know all things.
You know this child already.
You know whether he or she is a he or she.
And you know his or her need.

On this precious child
growing inside my precious daughter,
Lord, have mercy.

On this precious child,
whom you are forming as carefully and kindly as any child ever born,
Lord, show your favor.

On this child,
who existed only in your foreknowledge just months ago,
Lord, grant health.

Please let him or her be free,
totally free,
of the cystic fibrosis that presents a daily challenge
to big sister and big brother,
and to Mom and Dad, who care so well for them.

Please, Lord God, Abba, Father, Gentle Shepherd, Great Physician,
let this baby's birth and growth
relieve some of the burden
his or her parents carry,
in Jesus' name, amen.

Prayers to Saint Pio, St Jude, and Christ our lord. I ask for prayers for healing my pregnant daughter and unborn grandchild. I ask that you are with them every step of the way. Give my daughter strength to get through this pregnancy without all complications that are to be expected along the way. As we wait for tests regarding my grandchild I ask for healing in the womb. I ask that all tests come out good and that my daughter will survive this pregnancy and be able to raise her child. I ask for healing, strength and guidance as we prepare for the unknown. Amen!

Almighty God, our Father,

you who have given us


and intended us to have it forever,

grant us your blessings.

Enlighten our minds to an awareness

and to a renewed conviction

that all human


is sacred

because it is created

in your image and likeness.

Help us to teach by word

and the example of our lives



occupies the first place,

that human


is precious

because it is the gift of


whose love is infinite.

Give us the


to defend human


against every influence

or action that threatens or weakens it,

as well as the


to make every


more human

in all its aspects.

Give us the grace

When the sacredness of


before birth is attacked,

to stand up and proclaim

that no one ever has the authority

to destroy unborn life.

When a child is described as a burden

or is looked upon only as a means

to satisfy an emotional need,

to stand up

and insist that every child is a unique

and unrepeatable gift of God,

a gift of


with a


to a loving

and united family.

When the institution of marriage

is abandoned to human selfishness

or reduced to a temporary conditional arrangement

that can easily be terminated,

to stand up and affirm

the indissolubility of the marriage bond.

When the value of the family is threatened

because of social and economic pressure,

to stand up and reaffirm

that the


is necessary

not only for the private


of every person,

but also for the common


of every society,

nation and state.

When freedom is used to dominate the weak,

to squander natural resources and energy,

to deny basic necessities to people,

to stand up and affirm

the demands of


and social love.

Almighty Father,

give us courage to proclaim the supreme dignityof all human


and to demand



itself give its protection.

We ask this in your name,

through the redemptive act

of your Son and in the Holy Spirit.


Heavenly Father, I do praise and thank You for my children and for bringing them safely to adulthood, and what a joy it is to know that this thrilling gift of new human life has been given to my own child, as we wait for the birth of their unborn baby, my own little grand-child.

How wonderful to realise that this, as yet unborn treasure, is a gift of God's grace to our family. How precious to realise that this little baby is created in Your image, for which I thank and praise You.

Guard and protect I pray, this little life from all dangers and complications as he or she is being formed in the womb, and I pray that Your hand of blessing and grace may rest upon the whole family. Lord, I just want to say thank You for this little grand-child and for the joy that has already flooded our hearts as we wait in anticipation for the day when this new little person will join our family circle. In Jesus name,
