Prayer For Truth

Lord, help me to seek truth today
To find it in places and people I wouldn't otherwise notice.
Teach me that in truth there is wisdom and understanding.
May seeking truth help me overcome my fears and frustrations.

Lord, help me to strive for truth in all that I do today
That my thoughts, words, and actions may reflect Your goodness.
Show me that only in truth will I be free
To live honestly and courageously,
To love wholeheartedly and unconditionally.

Lord, help me to cherish truth
Knowing that You are the author of all that is beautiful, good, and true.
May truth reign in my heart, no matter what I encounter today
Lies, mockery, confusion, or betrayal.
Your truth gives me clarity and peace.

Lord, You created truth.
You are Truth.
Help me to know truth when I see it;
Learn truth when I am taught it;
Love truth,
Live truth.

Help me to share truth with others today
Those who are lost and lonely,
The brokenhearted and weary,
Anyone who is suffering from visible or invisible pain.

When I am a son or daughter of truth, I am free to be
Fully alive
Fully myself
And an honest reflection of You.

Truth leads to greater knowledge
And excellence in all virtues.

Truth strengthens me
Guides me
Leads me
Protects me
Keeps me.
I am constant when I dwell in Your truth.
I am unafraid of what I may face.
I am vigilant and poised for speaking
The witness of who You are in truth.


Lord, Jesus Christ,

You are the Way, the Truth and the Life.

Hear our prayer for truth and integrity

in all segments of society today.

May the truth be spoken by us and affirmed in others,

that in seeking truth, the world will come to find You,

the Source of All Truth.

Wherever relationships are weakened by deception or hypocrisy,

strengthen good Christian character among us

that we may bear witness to the critical need for truth.

May your Spirit of Truth fashion minds and hearts

open to a moral integrity so strong

that both words and actions can be trusted.

In public and private life,

deepen among us a genuine commitment

to honest, sincerity and truth-telling.

Let nations and peoples not compromise truth

by rationalization or pretense,

but safe-guard and defend it always

as Your most precious gift.

Lord, may those around us come to know

that they can take us at our word,

until that day when all the world lives in truth

and the Truth sets us free. Amen.

Loving Father, I have found myself in a situation at my work where the truth is being hidden and a tissue of lies are being told by those that are in management and leadership positions. Lord, I don't really know what to do or how to handle this matter, but I know Lord, that people are being hurt and in my helplessness, I simply want to hand this matter to You, and pray that You would expose the evil works of darkness and all those that are involved.

Give me wisdom I pray, to know what to do. Prevent me from doing or saying anything that will aggravate the situation or cause more distress, but also I pray that in Your grace You would sort out the situation speedily as it is having far reaching effects on me and many of my work-mates.

Lord, I lift up each of my colleagues that are being affected and pray that You would meet each one at their own point of need, both those that are engaged in the lies that are being spread around and those that are being hurt as a consequence.

Thank You that You are interested in all areas of our lives and as the God of truth, I pray that You will hear and answer my prayer in Your own time and in Your own way to Your glory. In Jesus' name I pray,


Lord Jesus, I come to You astonished and saddened by the many lies that are being perpetrated in some of the highest corridors of power in the land, and it seems that no one can or will do anything to address what is effectively a clamp-down on truth.

Father, for too long I have allowed the evils that seem to be swamping our world in general and our country in particular to wash over me, but Lord there are so many evils that have ravaged our people, and goodness and truth seem to be a thing of the dim and distant past, especially the truth of Your Word.

Lord, forgive me for not opening my eyes earlier to what is going on, but I pray that You would use me now to lift up my brothers and sisters in prayer, who are being aggressively attacked, ridiculed and even persecuted for righteousness sake, for speaking the truth.

Look down in pity on Your children and on all who are being systematically targeted by a government that is causing increasing number of people to find themselves in severe hardships, having lost their homes and families, their livilhood and dignity.

Lord, I know that nothing is going to change the downward spiral that we are currently facing, but Lord, I pray that despite the disasters we face, that You will bring good out of evil. I ask Lord, that the lies that are being perpetrated in some of the highest corridors of power in the land will be the tool that will bring many people to salvation in Christ Jesus and bring them to trust in the eternal truth of Your Word. I know that until You come to set up Your millennial kingdom on earth, nothing will breach the tide of evil that is sweeping over our land. Have pity on us and our country and guide us into all truth I pray. In Jesus' name,


Heavenly Father, we are told to pray in spirit and truth and I ask You to show me how to pray in spirit and truth. Teach me Lord, to pray as You would have me pray.

I pray that my human spirit may be led and guided by Your Holy Spirit, Who by faith in Christ is living in me, so that I may be directed to pray in accordance with Your will. I pray that my human spirit may be submitted to Your Spirit of Truth, for I know the He alone can guide me into all truth.

As I bow before Your throne in humility and thankful praise for this privilege of prayer that has been bestowed on all Your children, I pray that You would guide my prayers by the truth of Your Word, so that my prayers and supplications may be in accordance with Your will and in line with Your desires.

Teach me Lord, to pray in spirit and truth, so that my humble requests may become to You a sweet savour, and glorify my Father Who is in heaven. I ask this in Jesus' name,


Heavenly Father, I come to You in poverty of spirit, to seek Your face during a time when the truth of Your Word seems to be being attacked on every side, and few seem to know or understand about the truth of Scripture. Father, it is sometimes hard to know what is true in a world when everything to do with God is being attacked, not only in the secular arena but in many Christian ministries as well.

You promised that Your Holy Spirit would guide Your children into all truth, especially those that seek You with all their whole hearts and Lord, I want to seek You and know You more and more but Lord, I do not want to be influenced by wrong doctrine or false teaching.

Keep me I pray, and guide me in my life as I read Your Word and study the scriptures. Prevent me Lord, from being swept into the many false doctrines that are sweeping through Christendom today. Give me a discerning heart I pray, and help me to find a teacher that will teach me the whole council of Your Word of Truth so that I may grow in grace and in a knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Thank You Father, in Jesus' name I pray,


Heavenly Father, I lift up all those who have rejected the truth of Your Word and are seeking after the humanistic ways of the world. Lord, I know that Satan is the father of lies and his great desire is to lead many away from the path of truth in Christ Jesus. I ask Lord, that You would thwart his malicious plans, and use the satanic agenda and the humanistic lies that are hurting so many people, to be the very instrument that will cause many to question the values that they have held dear, and to turn them from their worldly ways and seek the Lord Jesus while He may be found, for He is the One and Only Truth and He is the Way and the Life and the Light, and He is the only Hope for mankind.

Raise up I pray, an army of prayer warriors that will be prepared to seek Your face and to stand in the gap for those that have been swept into the lies of the humanistic agenda. May the truth of Your Word become a beacon of light to those that are in need of a Saviour, and I pray that the lies of the enemy will be exposed so that many that are heading for an eternity of separation from the Father, may be swept into the kingdom of His dear Son, to Your praise and glory.

Your Word is truth. May the truth of Your Word ring in the ears of all who are perishing and bring many perishing people to salvation. In Jesus' name I pray,


Leader: It is not true that this world and its inhabitants are doomed to die and be lost;
All: This is true: for God so loved the world that he gave his only Son so that everyone who
believes in him shall not die, but have everlasting life.
Leader: It is not true that we must accept inhumanity and discrimination, hunger and poverty,
death and destruction;
ALL: This is true: I have come that they may have life, and have it abundantly.
Leader: It is not true that violence and hatred shall have the last word, and that war and
destruction have come to stay forever;
ALL: This is true: for to us a child is born, to us a son is given,
in whom authority will rest, and whose name will be Prince of Peace.
Leader: It is not true that we are simply victims of the powers of evil that seek to rule the world;
ALL: This is true: To me is given authority in heaven and on earth, and lo,
I am with you always, to the end of the world.
Leader: It is not true that we have to wait for those who are specially gifted,
who are the prophets of the church, before we can do anything;
ALL: This is true: I will pour out my Spirit on all people,
and your sons and daughters shall prophesy,
your young people shall see visions, and your old folk dream dreams.
Leader: It is not true that our dreams of liberation of humankind, our dreams of justice,
of human dignity, of peace, are not meant for this earth and its history;
ALL: This is true: The hour comes, and it is now,
that true worshippers shall worship God in Spirit and in truth