Prayer For Truth And Honesty

Your Words are carved for eternity!

You have commanded the virtue of honesty,

It is the power against all deceptions.

Direct Your Spirit of honesty upon me,

That by soul may always remain stainless.

Guide my daily thoughts, words and actions,

To join those living by the Spirit of truth.

For honesty yields harmony and loyalty,

Enriching all human relationships.

By the power of Your Spirit that flourishes,

Honesty will prevail in this world! Amen

Father almighty, you are greater than all. We come to you humbly, seeking favour, guidance, inspiration and continued motivation. We pray that on the days when we feel like giving in, we can look to you and know that we will win. We ask that you give us the foresight, patience and the peseverance needed to enter this world of business. Father, as a couple, this blessing will do so much for us and will be an inspiration for many others too. We pray that you may help us function as a unit, in constant unison with each other. We pray that should there be discord, you will invoke in us a spirit of harmony.

We pray that we conduct all of our affairs with honesty, integrity and fairness. We pray that we will arise and meet every challenge and will never shy away from the competition, no matter how big, because thou art the greatest.Please bless us father, so that we too may bless others. This we ask in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen

Teach us, Lord, to pray. Help us to desire powerful prayer not because of what it can get us but because it's honest and open communion with You. Help us to recognise our own weaknesses, and grant us the courage to lay all things before You without reservation, trusting in Your grace and power.

Lord, Jesus Christ,
You are the Way, the Truth and the Life.
Hear our prayer for truth and integrity
in all segments of society today.
May the truth be spoken by us and affirmed in others,
that in seeking truth, the world will come to find You,the Source of All Truth.
. Amen.

Dear Lord, thank You so much for Your love. I know that because I am abundantly loved by You, I have an abundance of love to give. Help me today to live loved and to give love. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Have mercy on me, O God,
according to your unfailing love;
according to your great compassion
blot out my transgressions.
Surely you desire truth in the inner parts;
you teach me wisdom in the inmost place.

Loving Father, I have found myself in a situation at my work where the truth is being hidden and a tissue of lies are being told by those that are in management and leadership positions. Lord, I don't really know what to do or how to handle this matter, but I know Lord, that people are being hurt and in my helplessness, I simply want to hand this matter to You, and pray that You would expose the evil works of darkness and all those that are involved.

Give me wisdom I pray, to know what to do. Prevent me from doing or saying anything that will aggravate the situation or cause more distress, but also I pray that in Your grace You would sort out the situation speedily as it is having far reaching effects on me and many of my work-mates.

Lord, I lift up each of my colleagues that are being affected and pray that You would meet each one at their own point of need, both those that are engaged in the lies that are being spread around and those that are being hurt as a consequence.

Thank You that You are interested in all areas of our lives and as the God of truth, I pray that You will hear and answer my prayer in Your own time and in Your own way to Your glory. In Jesus' name I pray,


Jesus, Prince of all Heavenly truths, Your Words are carved for eternity! You have commanded the virtue of honesty, It is the power against all deceptions. Direct Your Spirit of honesty upon me, That by soul may always remain stainless. Guide my daily thoughts, words and actions, To join those living by the Spirit of truth. For honesty yields harmony and loyalty, Enriching all human relationships. By the power of Your Spirit that flourishes, Honesty will prevail in this world!