Prayer For Truth To Come Out

Lord, help me to seek truth today
To find it in places and people I wouldn't otherwise notice.
Teach me that in truth there is wisdom and understanding.
May seeking truth help me overcome my fears and frustrations.

Lord, help me to strive for truth in all that I do today
That my thoughts, words, and actions may reflect Your goodness.
Show me that only in truth will I be free
To live honestly and courageously,
To love wholeheartedly and unconditionally.

Lord, help me to cherish truth
Knowing that You are the author of all that is beautiful, good, and true.
May truth reign in my heart, no matter what I encounter today
Lies, mockery, confusion, or betrayal.
Your truth gives me clarity and peace.

Lord, You created truth.
You are Truth.
Help me to know truth when I see it;
Learn truth when I am taught it;
Love truth,
Live truth.

Help me to share truth with others today
Those who are lost and lonely,
The brokenhearted and weary,
Anyone who is suffering from visible or invisible pain.

When I am a son or daughter of truth, I am free to be
Fully alive
Fully myself
And an honest reflection of You.

Truth leads to greater knowledge
And excellence in all virtues.

Truth strengthens me
Guides me
Leads me
Protects me
Keeps me.
I am constant when I dwell in Your truth.
I am unafraid of what I may face.
I am vigilant and poised for speaking
The witness of who You are in truth.


Anointed One, help me to live in truth, to speak it, to know it and to experience it. Help me to be honest especially when it is difficult to execute it.

Help me to realize the truth will always set me free while a lie will always continue to grow. Give me faith, wisdom and knowledge to execute the truth through every situation I face. In Jesus mighty name I pray, Amen!

Father, You see what's going on in my life. You see and You see that this is unjust. And Father, righteousness and justice are the foundation of Your throne.

Father, thank You for seeing everything that is going on in my life. Thank You for always taking care of me. I know You have a good plan for my life, and You have promised that all things will work together for my good because I love You and am called according to Your purpose. Amen

Lord, there are many deceivers who have inhabited your land who confess not that Jesus Christ is come in flesh. They deny that the blood of the lamb cleanses us from sin.
Jesus means Savior and Christ means Anointed one. To deny this is to deny the kingdom. For those that deny him will not see the face of our Heavenly Father. Amen

Lord, teach us how to be as faith-filled as Martha, and trust Your promises, no matter how impossible they seem. Remind us that with You all things are possible, including Your resurrection and ours. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

The Lord makes me the head and not the tail, above and not beneath. God blesses me and surrounds me with favour as a shield.

In Jesus' name, may I continue to be blessed forevermore. SO BE IT Amen!

Almighty God, thank You for the many blessings You continue to pour out upon my family members and myself. As I worship and praise Your mighty and powerful name, help me to overcome the lies of the enemy and to seek truth. Amen