Prayer For Tuesday

Heavenly Father, help us not to be anxious about anything in life, but in everything, by prayer and with thanksgivings, let us come unto you and find the peace that passes all understanding. Help us not to be anxious or worried about what life has to offer us each day. Enable us to pray instead, to pray with thanksgiving, for we know that you hear our prayer, answer our prayers, and provide what we need for that day. Enable us to praise you and worship you in prayer no matter what we have to face today. Teach us to bring eery concern before you and leave it there. Keep us from doubting and having :What If" thoughts. Fill us with your peace and guard our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus our Lord so that we live free in him to serve you. This we ask and pray in Jesus' name, Amen!

Dear Jesus, Before you died you forgave those who killed you, teaching us to forgive without measure. In the middle of such crushing pain, you gave us your mother Mary to also be our Mother so she could comfort us as she comforted you. Please remind me the price you paid for me so I can remember this all my life, remind me to obey you and help me to remember every word you said and try to put it in practice. Like the thief on your right side, I am not worthy for heaven but please remember me when I get to your kingdom and have mercy on all the sinners.

My Dear King, You were mocked after they beat you, and crowned you with thorns and yet you were the TRUE king. With the pain and humiliation you felt, you didn't respond to anything unkindly. You did what your human strength allowed, without uttering a word of insult or complaint, or using your Godly power. You had me and my brothers and sisters instead to defend and protect. Hoping we would listen to your warnings, accept your sacrifice and make a better choice to be with you one day in a paradise forever. Help me to remain in truth, to support truth and acknowledge truth even when I am wrong. Allow me to trust you, to accept my sufferings and offer them to you, and never let my sufferings make me do wrong. Help me to forgive always and never strike back. You are the just judge, you will defend me.

Today I will remember to put you before all things.
Lord before tiredness - you are energy
Lord before stress - you are peace
Lord before need - you are the gift
Lord before decisions - you are truth
Lord before toil - you are rest.
Today I will remember to put your energy, your peace, your gift, your truth and your rest before my working day.
That I may go not in my own strength but be led by your Spirit.


Lord, on this day I chose to put You first. Thank You that when You are at the centre of our family, our lives are rich with love and goodness. Lord, be the running stream, springing up at the very heart of our household. Might we drink daily from the water of life, that our days would be filled with kindness, forgiveness, trust and love. Amen.

Tuesdays are one of my most favorites.

And as expected, it is another opportunity to pray.

So, we can ask God for favor and supernatural blessings.

We can ask the Almighty to take away sadness, anger, unhappiness, and pain from our lives.

And most importantly, to protect us and bless all that we will do today.

You can pray for a friend or loved ones too.

Or, send them a Tuesday prayer message as they wake up.

In all, God is willing to answer all our prayers.

I have put together this Tuesday morning prayer to guide you.


You have called us
to be your people,
to follow where you lead,
be obedient to your word
and bring your Good News
wherever we might go.
Forgive the impatience
and lack of faith
which causes us to stumble;
when we prefer our way
to yours.
Draw us back into your arms,
as prodigals to their Father
and grant us patience
and perseverance
in our journeying with you.

Almighty God,

Praise be to you, for you have created us and you continue to love us unconditionally.

Praise be to you for the Earth which you have given to us.

You have filled it with the wonders of nature.

Praise be to you, for through the loving deeds and words of many people,

you continue to give evidence of your love for all that you have created.

Teach us to worship you in Spirit and in truth,

and grant that, in worshipping you,

we may be freed from our idolatries and from what can enslave us.

Inspire us to love our neighbours in what we say and do.

Renew our minds, so that we may believe, live and act in accord with your plan.

In the name of your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen