Prayer For Trying To Get Pregnant

Father, please hear the request of my friend. Hear her heart, her desire. She desires to have a baby. To raise a child to love you. I pray that you will give her what she is asking. I pray that she will trust that you are good no matter the outcome. Amen.

Father, I pray that my friend will have her faith built through the waiting, through the pain. That she will lean on you in the good, the bad, the waiting. I pray she will be like a tree planted near the water, unmovable. That she will not be shaken because she is anchored in your steadfast love. Wrap your arms around her and let her feel your presence in the trial. You are our stronghold and protector, protect her heart and faith. Amen.

Lord, I come to you and pray for my friend as she is struggling to have a baby. She feels lost, and alone. She is struggling to trust you in the midst of this pain that she is feeling. Let her remember the stories of the mothers of Israel. Hannah, Sarah, Rachel, Elizabeth. The women that came before that longed to be mothers, that waited, prayed, and almost gave up on the possibility. But God, you heard them, you answered. I pray that she will trust you. Trust your goodness no matter the outcome. Amen.

Father, I pray that my friend will have peace in the midst of the valley. Not peace as the world gives but peace that you give. A peace that passes understanding and can settle a troubled heart. I pray that when she is anxious, troubled, sad, or feeling lost that she will go to you first and foremost. That she will lay it down before you and receive your peace instead. Give to her abundantly and without reserve. Amen.

God of love,
Help us to trust when times get trying,
that this journey will bring us closer to you,
no matter where our road turns or ends.
Bless our dreams for a family,
and draw us deeper in love together
as we wait in joyful hope
for a child to welcome with love.

God of faith and hope and love,
let your will be done.


Dear God of Goodness and Grace, Hold us close. We're sad and hopeful, anxious and excited, longingly waiting for the moment of conception. May it be Your will that the life of our child begins soon. Choose the best from us both to form a new soul. Place it ever so gently in my womb where I will nurture and protect the precious gift of life I am about to receive. Amen.

Heavenly Father, You know my deep desire for a child. A little one to love and to hold, to care for, to cherish. Grant that my body may conceive and give birth to a beautiful, healthy baby in Your holy image. Guide me in all my choices so that this conception, my pregnancy and my baby's birth are in line with Your will. Heavenly Father and Holy Mother, hear this prayer of my heart, mind and spirit. Amen.

Heavenly Father, I come to you today and always your loving servant to ask of You a request to be able to conceive a baby. This is a reward that I will cherish with my life. I thank you for the blessings I have and for the blessing I am about to receive. I believe in Jesus's name and do not take him for granted. I love you Lord with my whole heart and I know I am not forsaken or forgotten. Amen.